Motorcycle Catchers


Well-known member
Ya, believe it or not catching flying motorcycles is a thing :I anybody else into it?
Now you've got some place to post photos or video of your failures or achievements :D
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Here, hold my beer. Oh, and catch me and the bike when I mess up.
Ya, believe it or not catching flying motorcycles is a thing :I anybody else into it?
Now you've got some place to post photos or video of your failures or achievements :D

Tried my hand at it in Peru at this year's Dakar when someof the riders found an apparent 'shortcut' out of a river bed they were supposed to be following... A few riders didn't fair too well going up the bank... Had to get the F out of the way when a quad tried the same approach...then the ASO blocked off the path by lining the bank with their trucks.
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