

Well-known member
Crush my dreams and tell me this is the world's worst bike and it would be stupid to have one.

Looks awesome and what a great projects it would be...I say it's very cool
It looks like a fun and easy build. I'm looking for a future project to do with my son when he gets a bit older and this looks pretty sweet.
Possible at all to have it street legal? Guessing no :(
Over $4000 to get one fully built.... you can buy a real dirt bike for less than that.

Pretty cool though
Is this the reinvention of the mountain bike or the dirtbike.Either way...they were both pretty good before this thing.
fully ILLEGAL in Canada on the roads....if ya want to green plate it might as well get an actual dirt bike
Amazing and I love the idea, but they are insane asking that much. I understand they have to pay for the R&D that went into, but I think they'd be better off selling it for half and selling a lot more units. I would seriously look into for around 1000$, but certainly not twice that. They mention kickstarter, but when you click in the link it just takes you to kickstarters main page.
Amazing and I love the idea, but they are insane asking that much. I understand they have to pay for the R&D that went into, but I think they'd be better off selling it for half and selling a lot more units. I would seriously look into for around 1000$, but certainly not twice that. They mention kickstarter, but when you click in the link it just takes you to kickstarters main page.

I bought 1 over a year ago (or rather I payed for it over a year ago) and it finally arrived this past winter. You need a bunch of parts from both a pit bike & a DH mountain bike! I have tons of mountain bike parts, but decided to go buy a brand new pit bike from a wholesaler in Concord!
The project was started, but was then put on pause when other things got in the way. I am now hoping to get back into it & build it up completely.

Yes it's not street legal here in Ontario (unless you register it as a 50cc moped), but I intend to ride it off road anyways. Instead of buying various parts for the build from numerous suppliers/ resellers, I decided to just purchase a new pitbike that would supply me with the engine/ carb/ electrics/ tank/ throttle/ seat/ fairings. I did the math & this was the most cost-effective route for me at the time. As for the DH mountain bike parts, I am using a Marzocchi 888 dual-crown fork, with hydro 8" disc brakes, 26" mtb front wheel, single-speed crank arms (square taper) & DH type stem & wide handle bars. The kit comes with a special 36 hole rear hub that needs to be laced by your local bike shop when you purchase a 36 holes 24" rear rim.

All in all, based on my experience with just the early stage of building this kit. Yes it is pricey & consists of many bolt-on parts that need to be purchased seperately. But there is nothing else out there that permits you to pedal like a mountain bike or ride it like a dirt bike!

This kit also has future potential of becoming an electric powered performance bike (E-bike). Some have already started converting these into high-powered ebikes on endless-sphere!

The reason why they are such expensive kits, is due to a small production run order from China! If more demand grows for these kits, then orders will increase & prices will come down (but just for the frame kits)!

Most buyers build these up themselves, but I believe Pirate Cycles in the US is selling a complete built up Motoped with various engine/ colours/ other options.

*** I'll try to post some pics in the next few weeks as my build comes together.

I wonder, how much fun would this be on a small motox track, with normal pegs installed?

Could be a good way to practice through the week without having a full on mx bike getting the neighbors all worked up...
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