MOTOCROSS Thread Hosted by SCR member


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Figured I would start a thread to get the idea of Motocross and trail riding more in peoples heads and letting people know who have dirt bike that don't know where to ride. That Steel City Riders is a pretty good deal.

For your membership $113 that gives you club track access when ever you want how many times you want. If you have a family its around $160 and that gives you as much riding time as you want at the club track.

You can also do the Race that's another $30 for CMA Club Competition Membership. (insurance)

With the membership you have to do one work day could consist of FLAGGING/SCORING or what ever you can offer the club

Web site to learn more

This thread i would also like to use for other riding spots in Ontario
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Here is a photo of the club track and trails located just outside of brantford
I am seriously considering joining for next year, or over the winter. Biggest thing that always keeps me from doing races and getting more involved with the off road community is that I work shift work and at least 50% of the weekends which is just killer if you are into this sport of motocross.
I'm on Straight afternoons 4 10's I go out every Friday I can and when ever. I've kinda started this so people could think about it for next year.

I have had lots of people ask me where I Ride when they see me at gas stations. So I figure this is a step in the right direction to help.
Guess I'll join in here.
I race with MMRS. We practice Saturdays, race Sundays. It's an awesome club, family oriented and everyone is friendly. We race 5 tracks, all of which are a blast and all have their own character. Tracks are groomed and kept as perfect as possible.

CMX and MMRS offer a "free membership" if you're a member of either club.

I haven't raced CMX races, but I had planned to a few times this year and it sounds like they are on the ball as well.

Neither club requires you to do work days... You can make money with MMRS flagging on the weekends.
Yeah I've seen a bit of MMRS i never went to any races cause its central Ontario to where I am and SCR is close. But i am all about throwing the options out there so people know where to ride. As For CMX they got a good thing going.
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