Most hated Canadian?

Motorcycle Mike

Well-known member
Which famous Canadian do you despise the most?

For me, near the top of the list has to be David Suzuki... a guy who preaches energy conservatism while he has at least two large houses, flies everywhere, etc etc... nothing gets to me more than a blatant hypocrite. I probably consume 1/100th of what suzuki does, and I am far from environmentally conscious.

That is just to start... there are many more Canadians I despise... like turbodish..... I will get to them
There's only one Canadian I hate, he isn't famous for anything other than teaching me that I could hate another person.
Brian Mulroney. If I saw him I would be compelled to either stab him or punch him the throat.
Brian Mulroney. If I saw him I would be compelled to either stab him or punch him the throat.

Oooo, another thing we have in common. This bodes well :)
Hands down, Micheal Bryant. For enacting the most stupid reactionary law I know, the death of "pit bulls". Human piece of crap extraordinaire.
I'd have to say, no one I disagree with yet... Charles McVety is a ****ing religious moron.
Conrad Black. Wish I could deport him, and his horrifically bad editorial journalist wife Barb Amiel.

I vomited in my mouth when Maclean's published his prison diaries about how everyone should feel sorry for him...

Next down the list would probably be Kim Campbell, followed by maybe Avril Lavigne.
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wayne Gretzky. the reason is obvious.

game 6 1993.

and he also is more american than canadian, now
I don't hate Nickelback, but I was quite embarrassed when they showed up in the closing ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics.
Definitely Nickelback. I have stopped listening to radio stations who continue to commit Nickelback...yes that is's a sin & sins are committed.
Boston has more Canadians, from Ontario.. Leafs have like nothing. LOL

Most hated Canadian is Paul Bernardo...
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