more Mulholland fun....

That first clown needs to hand in the man card for sure. :lmao:
Why the hell do so may people bail out and ditch the bike??
There's plenty of room to ride that dirt wall for awhile and hope for the best, instead of giving up completely like a frikkin sissy!
A real man commands the motorcycle until the ride is over!

Now that video led me to this wanna be racer guy>>

Why? Why? Please tell me why you are forcing the bars to the left in a left hand hand turn?!??!?! wtf..... :banghead:

ps> here, add this bonehead to the "I'm rich and can't ride for ****" group >
That's just as pathetic as it gets.
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Why? Why? Please tell me why you are forcing the bars to the left in a left hand hand turn?!??!?! wtf..... :banghead:

He washed out the front end, the wheel turns in on its own.
He washed out the front end, the wheel turns in on its own.

R U kidding? He's going 26kms hr. The only washed out thing is his riding.
I could've gone around him on foot, that doesn't change the OBVIOUS fact that his front end washed out... he wasn't forcing the bars anywhere, the wheel naturally falls into the turn when you lose the front. The speed makes no difference. End of discussion.
I could've gone around him on foot, that doesn't change the OBVIOUS fact that his front end washed out... he wasn't forcing the bars anywhere, the wheel naturally falls into the turn when you lose the front. The speed makes no difference. End of discussion.

Well maybe you aren't paying close enough attention then?
The guy is clearly fighting the handlebars all the way thru the curve, he has no concept of push steering, as i suspect you don't either.
My lifetime of riding experience says so, end of discussion again, see below.
like I said, clueless

Go back to polishing your chrome... you're outside your element here.
like I said, clueless

Go back to polishing your chrome... you're outside your element here.

Ok kid, i rode sportbikes before you were conceived, maybe you're watching the wrong video.
Yes Pat, I'd like to buy a clue please.

^ looks like he got off the throttle too abruptly to avoid hitting the guy in front.

I think the same thing happened to agave's rider - probably thought he wasn't gonna make the turn and tried to slow down. To me he looked real uncomfortable on the bike to begin with.
That GSXR lost grip on the front tire, and then the tire turned in. That's what happens when you lose the front end. You can see the skid mark from it sliding sideways.

As for why that would happen ... plenty of possible causes. Bad pavement (lots of riders appear to crash in that same area), crappy sport-touring tire without enough grip, worn-out tire or heat-cycled to death, wrong tire pressure, tire not warmed up enough.
good one

I guess you think the guy was pushing the bars into the turn on purpose too :lol:
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