Monday August 15th - Evening Ride?


Active member
Anyone up for a casual pace ride in the evening (8pm or later) if the weather holds out? I'm in the Oakville area but haven't been out for any group rides in a long time.

i'll be able to ride. just pick meeting place. don't really care about the route just wanna get out.
I feel someone watching me, I'm going to go shower but you can probably see that.
How about we meet around 9 then ride to toms dairy or la Paloma, depending on what the Monday ice cream ride decides?
im down. time and spot?
Burlington, .. near walkers line and qew.
Crap I started the thread and have to bail out... I'll try for tomorrow night.
nope.. lol its a tad far meet for me for a monday night,,
so nvm then.. haha have a good ride.
i could meet at 910-920 at walkers and mainway....going to la Paloma
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