Minivan ran off the DVP


Well-known member
(11:20am today) So i was going East on Eglinton and got on the on-ramp to go on the DVP south...while in the merging lane of the highway i saw a White Honda type caravan in the middle lane swerve at the worst possible angle into the right lane then nearly striking me and the car ahead of me in the merging lane and flew off the highway into the bushes where i fully lost sight of his vehicle, then about a few seconds later he reappeared swinging back onto the highway then finally came to a stop halfway in the shoulder and right lane.

I immediately got off my bike and went to check if he was okay. Thankfully the driver (probably 17 or 18 ) was okay with not a scratch on him. He was just confused asking me what happened and he said he blacked out. The driver that pulled to the side behind me managed to wave down a firetruck and EMS within 2 minutes of the accident. All in all the van was beyond totalled all along the right side and the front of the van + windshield was caved in. Lucky boy and most importantly he's okay.

Anyway decided to share as i have never witnessed anything like it.
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Maybe he doesn't know he was he should get test. I had a friend that was prone to getting black outs and would know when one was coming and shi on a bench and black out for like 2 mins
Ever considered he's just a liar and it's a convenient excuse for him to use?
Ever considered he's just a liar and it's a convenient excuse for him to use?

Dangerous line of thinking, as a teenager (16) I started having random episodes where I'd lose a few minutes at a time, eventually went on to migraines and photosensitivity, everyone accused me of being high, etc. Turned out I had a major concussion and possible TBI.
Dangerous line of thinking, as a teenager (16) I started having random episodes where I'd lose a few minutes at a time, eventually went on to migraines and photosensitivity, everyone accused me of being high, etc. Turned out I had a major concussion and possible TBI.

You have brain damage, that explains it all now:lmao:
Could have been a seizure as well. They'll prob test him for all kinds of possible issues that could cause a black out.

Something similar happened to my wife years ago. Blackout while diving, T-boned a transport at an intersection. Turns out she had a seizure.
Couple weeks ago I was leaving Hamilton on the 403 heading back to Montreal & Nova Scotia, had left the house not even 10mins earlier, and an Accord cut off a transport making a pointless lane change with 3" less than she thought. No traffic infront of her, she just wanted to move over and gave herself a self induced Pitt maneuver. Did three tail wags before she lost it and went off into the scrubby ditch. Said she didn't see the truck.

Fast forward a few hours and going through Oshawa a car full teenage girls merges onto the 401 and then proceeds to zoom across three lanes and would have side swiped me if I didn't brake and get on the horn. Came up on the passenger side waggled my finger at them as they made gestures begging forgiveness.

Fast forward another hour, and another car in the ditch in that middle of nowhere stretch past Kingston. No cops yet, just happened, one other car stopped so I pulled over to check it out. Everyone is fine, just apparently lost control. In a straight line.

That was in about 500km of riding. I no longer ask why drivers in Ontario what they do, I just try to stay out of the way.
All your driving skill are belong to us!

Saw a VW Bug do the opposite on the DVP years ago in the rain.
He went from the middle lane, to the right and then a head-on with the centre guardrail.
Kid's likely going to lose his license.

I've seen someone have a seizure while driving. Would've been very bad if it hadn't happened at a traffic light. Unfortunately we didn't realize what was happening until the light had changed green and he was already moving (not intentionally) so we couldn't prevent his very small bump into a car when he rolled into a parking lot. Guy was otherwise fine though but probably would not have been if it had happened while he was on the highway or something.
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