Middleweight Panam on the way

I wonder if it's much lighter.
stop making more bikes and fix the ones you have.
looking at you Pan Am and Sportster S
In it's the first year PAN AM outsold GS GS1250 and KTM1290 combined in North America - can they repeat?

Wonder if an HD 975 will kick the snot out of BMW 850 and KTM 990 sales too?

I need some good news to juice HOG share price.
In it's the first year PAN AM outsold GS GS1250 and KTM1290 combined in North America - can they repeat?

Lots of well intentioned people were hoping it was a great bike, but they got suckered in by the hype.

Given HD's long term poor reliability record on bikes they've been building for decades how could anyone have reasonably thought that a brand new bike with lots of new tech to HD was going to be as reliable (or more reliable) than the old school V twins?

Let's see what sales are like over the next couple of years. I predict they'll dry up and the bike will be gone from HD's lineup in 3 - 4 years.
Is that because there weren't any BMWs and KTMs because of supply chain issues ? Inquiring minds need to know.
Engineering more than supply chain, BMW halted shipments and big recalls hurt both BMW and KTM.
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