'Microsoft' Phone Scam

Rob MacLennan

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I don't know how many of you might have received this phone call but, really guy, why would I think that Microsoft was calling me by name?


I spoke to a Mr. Fred Rodriguez who, when asked for things like his return phone number and Microsoft employee number, was very slow to respond. I never did get his MS ID. Mr. Rodriguez also had a remarkably East Indian sounding accent, for someone with a Spanish name whose phone number had a Houston, TX area code.
This is the first time that I've gotten one, but then again I'm not usually home during the work week. I must admit that the amount of dead air, when I asked for certain types of identification, was rather amusing.
There's a Google Scam too
I try to act like I do not know what I am doing on the computer and string them along as long as I can, 20 minutes is my record.
I try to act like I do not know what I am doing on the computer and string them along as long as I can, 20 minutes is my record.

I was about to tell them, please hold...
Let them hold for a good 20mins
I was about to tell them, please hold...
Let them hold for a good 20mins

In the past, with other calls, I've said that I'll just go check on something and then left the phone off the hook, for an hour. Not sure how long they hang on for.
ROFL. awesome i so want to try that.

That was so funny. I have to practice that and how the next time I talk to a telemarketer they haven't heard it before.:lmao:
I love ****ing with their heads. My mom got me onto a new one she does.
"Mrs. Fortin there?"
"I'm her nurse"
"Can I speak to her?"
"Shes dying"
"So you like calling and harasing someone on pallitive care? Is this some sort of sick fun?"
string of apologise before finally... click.

Or my dads favourite....
"Fortin funeral home you stab em we slab em"

They usually dont call again lol.
yeah, i've had a few friends get these calls about trying to fix their computer, i keep telling them to give them my number, i really look forward to these calls...it's unbelievable what people will try...
I finally feel wanted! I got the call tonight.
An oldie but a goodie

I get these calls quite often. They're the highlight of my day.
I used to frequently get the Telus scam calls... they were the highlight of my day too until one ended in a screaming match with me telling the guy off. I hung up smiling and now they just won't call back.
Forgive me for threadcromancy, but....

It has been a while, but I got another one of these calls. Since I've been home sick and surfing from bed (I love having a widescreen connected to my PC) I didn't exactly have much patience for him, so cut straight to my "tech self."

His schpiel is the usual one about being from Microsoft and that their servers have determined that my computer is not performing updates properly, generating errors, etc.. He starts straight into his script about how I need to go to my computer and...... I stop him dead with a few simple words; "So what's my IP address?" Silence. After about ten seconds he starts saying, "Hello? Hello?" as if he hasn't heard a word I said. I repeated, "So what's my IP address?" Same thing from him, until I ask a third time. Then he says, "We determined the identity of your system via CLSID. As you may know....." I said, "Yes, I know what that is. It has nothing to do with determining the source of an internet communication. I've been doing this for more than 25 years. How about you? How long have you been doing this? So what's my IP address? The MAC address of my network card? What service provider am I using?"

"Hello? Hello? Sir? Hello?" and he tried to restart his script from the top.

This just had me howling. Finally, when I could stop laughing-coughing and catch my breath I said, "What part of 'I've been doing this for more than 25 years' did I fail to make clear? How often does this scam actually work and you get someone to give you access to their computer, via LogMeIn or whatever other remote access site you're abusing?"

"Hello? Hello?...." Ten seconds of silence, and then *CLICK*.
I feel left out, I never get those calls... no love :(
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