Miami Dolphins vs US Marines |

Miami Dolphins vs US Marines

I'll stick with the left side of the screen, tyvm :cool:
I failed the gay test, I'd take home the guy at 1:01 with the M203 grenade belt :)

Ohhhh how much fun that'd be :)


-Jamie M.
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Don't ask, don't tell. Hipster marine at 1:37.
Don't ask, don't tell. Hipster marine at 1:37.

You guys seem to be looking at the wrong side of the screen.. I'm developing some serious concerns, there :cool:
Everytime I hear that song I want to strangle someone. But boobies & bum bum compensates nicely

I failed the gay test, I'd take home the guy at 1:01 with the M203 grenade belt :)

Ohhhh how much fun that'd be :)


-Jamie M.

You always fail the gay test, tsk tsk tsk
Maybe it was a salutation at the end of the letter, using an adjective as a self-identifying noun? :cool:

You might be onto something...
You know the Marines had a blast making that. And there was likely a group of guys behind the camera laughing their ***** off.

I'm gonna give it to the marines. Sure the cheer leaders are smokin' hot, but they also had lots of professional help.
You know the Marines had a blast making that. And there was likely a group of guys behind the camera laughing their ***** off.

I'm gonna give it to the marines. Sure the cheer leaders are smokin' hot, but they also had lots of professional help.

Realistically, yeah, they had a blast, it was funny and they did a real good job there. Still, as eye-candy and for other uses (if I wasn't married lol), I'll pick the ugliest cheerleader over the "prettiest" male marine :cool:

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