Memory card

maybe i'm missing something... but they're both class 10? Shouldn't they be the same speed?
The ones at best buy are regular $100 so there $40 more then those before the sale.
Those can't be much better just going on regular price.
Also the best buy ones have lifetime warranty.
how is that better? both are class 10, 32gb?

I already picked up a couple class 10 16gb cards when they were 20$ so i'm not too needing something bigger yet.

I never heard the brand BestBuy is offering, I have used Patriot cards before and they are quality.
I picked up the Kingston one from Canada computers as well and it's been great. I would stay away from lesser known brands. Some cheap "class 10" are not class 10 at all! Of course if you're not doing high speed shooting or continuous shots its not really a big deal.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Patriot Signature LX Series 32GB SDHC CLASS 10 - $38.99

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]

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