Matching riding gear to bike |

Matching riding gear to bike

How bad is it to wear a suzuki jacket on a ninja? is it ok if they are the same colours at least? should I take the ninja sticker off my bike so they don't know? what about if they're not the same colour?
Best bet is to just wear as many different types of gear as possible. Suzuki jacket, Honda boots, Kawi gloves, Harley Helmet, Yamaha t-shirt, etc. Confuse everyone.
People will come after you with torches..your children and your children's children will be hunted down..horror stories will be written..

In reality, people may raise an eyebrow. I've heard that bikers are more fashion concious than most women, but everybody is different.
If it keeps you safe, who cares? :)
Like I mentioned in your last pointless thread that you opened and never replied to......The safest speed is +250kph. At that speed no one is going to see the craptastic gear that you're rocking.
I think you should get rid of both and get a Harley and an S.O.A. Hoodie and then will be afraid to look twice..
this guy might be legit! give him some more time!

to answer OP's question, why don't you buy a joe rocket jacket and get a joe rocket bike to match? at least you would be helping a canadian brand in that way.
I am new to the forums but what I have learned in the last couple of days is that the important part is that you don't look gay or some guy, nicknamed Pegasus, will not ride with you.
I am new to the forums but what I have learned in the last couple of days is that the important part is that you don't look gay or some guy, nicknamed Pegasus, will not ride with you.


Like I mentioned in your last pointless thread that you opened and never replied to......The safest speed is +250kph. At that speed no one is going to see the craptastic gear that you're rocking.

shouldn't I wear something with flames though? I heard they make you go faster than normal gear. then maybe I can get to 250kph??
shouldn't I wear something with flames though? I heard they make you go faster than normal gear. then maybe I can get to 250kph??

No, no, no. You're thinking about stickers. Stickers make the bike go faster. It's true that flames on your gear increase the overall safety in the event of a crash, but stickers are where the HP is at.
Listen up people. We are all so lucky to have the wisdom of awesome dudes like Wasted. Pure ****ing genius.

lol, i see where ur threads r going now

its more fun to see ppl arguing among themselves while u dont reply.
at 250 kph do you even need gear? I thought if you fall you'll ride the boundary layer to the ground.
I am new to the forums but what I have learned in the last couple of days is that the important part is that you don't look gay or some guy, nicknamed Pegasus, will not ride with you.
BRB showing up at Pegasus house wearing a full leather bdsm suit as riding gear.

On second though... he might like that.

As for the OP: Wear what you want when you ride. Those that make fun of you, are not the people you'd wanna be around anyways.
you can get away with wearing a suzuki jacket on a honda BUT only if you are wearing suzuki undies.

on the other hand... the ONLY way to get away with wearing a honda jacket on a kawi is if you are also wearing a kawi bra.

dont even think about wearing anything that has yamaha on it unless you are riding a ducati.

it seems a bit complicated but all this will become second nature soon enuff
Guys, your givivng him exactly what he wants, ATTENTION. Weather it be making fun of him, or talking **** about him. He is still loving any attetion he gets. Best to not even respond.

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