Manual Cam Chain Tensioner Question


Well-known member
Does it really matter what stroke you put the #1 cylinder on (compression or exhaust) when putting it to TDC (Top Dead Center) when replacing the CCT? I can't think of why a certain cylinder stoke would matter when putting it to TDC but maybe you know something I don't.
For purposes of changing the tensioner only, it won't matter *which* cylinder is in that position as long as *some* cylinder is in that position.

Changing the tensioner is best done when the tension is on the side of the timing chain opposite the tensioner, so that the sprockets don't want to jump teeth.

Doing it with cylinder #1 at TDC on the compression stroke allows you to verify the timing marks, if you have the valve cover off.
it does not matter at all, just rotate the crankshaft in the direction of rotation. while removing the old tensenioner listen to here if the skips, if not just put in the new one. rotate the engine slowly by hand 360 degrees if no contact your done
I have to do this and it all sounds like chinese.... ugggggh!
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