IIRC a person can't be turned out to pasture when the turn 65 (Age discrimination). While most people relish the idea of the life of ease some have no identity outside of work so have no desire to quit. Some need the money.
The kicker in this is a company loses young, up to date employees to other firms because they don't see the advancements on the horizon. Dinosaurs don't make good CEO's.
Outside of massive bribery (Packages) how do companies rid themselves of the dead wood? It also happens in the government where there are doorstops on the sunshine list.
Are we "righting" ourselves into bankruptcy?
The kicker in this is a company loses young, up to date employees to other firms because they don't see the advancements on the horizon. Dinosaurs don't make good CEO's.
Outside of massive bribery (Packages) how do companies rid themselves of the dead wood? It also happens in the government where there are doorstops on the sunshine list.
Are we "righting" ourselves into bankruptcy?