male dancers, Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls?


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I got a request from an 80 yr old Lady! ... she wants to see male dancers for her 80th !!
so.... there are a few 40- 50 yr old ladies that want to take her out! lol
but they can't seem to locate a club that has Male Dancers? anyone have an idea?
maybe they might have to have a "Stagette" party, and bring some in?
She is from Cambridge Area.. so KW, London, Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls would be good... she is a very young 80y/o lol
Remington's Men of Steel on Yonge St in Toronto. Would she like me to stir her drink?
House of lanaster on the queensway has a male strip area I think called foxxies or something.

I know this because I was walking into house of lancaster and noticed a bunch of ladies going in. Ends up certain nights are all male.

Long story short I did not go in... I swear!!!!
it's a trap...
LOL well.. I found that as a male,, there was a reason to hang around when the male dancers put on their show. not to watch... The experience i have, the venue won;t let men in until the dancers leave,, but at that point,,there are some "Ladies" that need some ... um,,, well,, immediate attention! ,, if you know what i mean! lol
if she has $$ and wants to be a sugar mom i'll learn how to dance in a blink!
Contact Freestyle, I think he might be interested in that :D
Got roped into going to Remington's once a long time ago. My girlfriend and I wanted to show our support and acceptance for our gay friend (and quite frankly we were damn curious). Craziest place I've ever been. He caught s**t from the management for bringing in a female into the club so I'm not so sure if this is a good place for a girls night out.
London @ the beef baron they got an area called the "bull pen"
Foxes Den is about it for GTA area. Last I checked Remington's had 1 night a week where it was for the ladies.

The gentlement at the Den are personable and normal for conversations and an average 8/10 on a nice to look at scale. In the age range you're speaking of thing's are going to get out of hand so be prepared to see thing's you can't unsee. Warn them not to wear florescent thongs under their too tight skirts, they'll glo right through with the black light.
Remington's Men of Steel on Yonge St in Toronto. Would she like me to stir her drink?

Remingtons sucks. They guys walk around the stage and jack off to the gay porn in the corner. Boring and kinda sad.

Fox's Den is supposed to be the place for that. Diamond's has male stripper nights too but from what I hear, the quality of the errrr....merchandise is not up to homo

I've heard of Diamonds but not Fox's Den. Worth checking out? There was also Stallions in Missisauga. Was in the basement of a female rippers.

Got roped into going to Remington's once a long time ago. My girlfriend and I wanted to show our support and acceptance for our gay friend (and quite frankly we were damn curious). Craziest place I've ever been. He caught ****** from the management for bringing in a female into the club so I'm not so sure if this is a good place for a girls night out.

WTF really? When I went there was prob 50% female audience.
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