Making keys for Tantoc E-Bikes. we did have a customer this week, he was very pleased |

Making keys for Tantoc E-Bikes. we did have a customer this week, he was very pleased


Customer brought Ignition, plus two compartment locks plus a trunk lock. I have never saw this type of locks, I still make keys for the gentlemen. Arnold
Customer brought Ignition, plus two compartment locks plus a trunk lock. I have never saw this type of locks, I still make keys for the gentlemen. Arnold
I have heard that on some E-Bikes every single lock on the bike uses a different part of the key! So if you cut a new key from ignition only it wouldn't open the trunk or compartments!

Crazyness, how long did it take you to map all of the tumblers in all of the locks?!

-Jamie M.
Jamie M. Good morning. I worked on the IGN first Using mu brains (Where) and a lot of luck I made a key for it. Inserted this new key in the two compartment lock and wow the key did work. Thus I did not have to take those two apart. A couple of weeks agioo a customer brough in a IGN for King E-Bike with no keys. I made keys for it. Have a great day. Arnold

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