Magical rev limiter raiser, super performance booster chip! MAGIC!!!


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Ok, so I'm getting my R6S dyno tuned (with the Juice Box Pro) and with all the other mods I'd like to put the rev limiter a littler closer to a regular R6 (14.5k stock R6S vs 17k R6). I came across this whacked out super power will boost every engine on earth device:





Now, not only is it scary cracking open your ECU and desoldering a chip and soldering it to this crazy device, but they seem to make some pretty insane claims about what it'll do for you!!!

Product Features:
Improves engine horsepower
Improves torque throughout the RPM range
Remaps ignition timing and advance
Allows you to raise RPM and speed limit
Works in conjunction with fuel controllers

And not ONE feedback for any of their devices on Amazon, like WTF?!

So, just wondering if anyone had heard of or used such a device, or hacked their ECU crystal for MORE POWER! That made me LOL a little, seems crazy!

-Jamie M.
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Hmmmm. Wacky! The Juice Box Pro map for the 09 R6S goes up to to 15,999rpm!?


The Yosh and Two Bro's dyno charts show it cutting out just before 15k:


Dyno numbers are all over, guess they aren't something to go by!


Looks like the Power Commander V has "Rev Xtend" that can give you 500 extra RPM. I think instead of the Juice Box that'll be all I need!

And they have a map for the Two Bro's slip on :) woot!

-Jamie M.
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Which crystal are they referring to? The dilithium pentagon? The OE manufacturers put a rev limit on an engine for a reason - exceed it at your own risk. Give us a review after it's installed.
It looks like this is essentially over / under clocking the ECM. I'd like to hear how it runs with this installed because it should screw with injector pulse width and ignition dwell ... it would make mapping (decent running) difficult on top of creating a time-bomb of the engine.
It looks like this is essentially over / under clocking the ECM. I'd like to hear how it runs with this installed because it should screw with injector pulse width and ignition dwell ... it would make mapping (decent running) difficult on top of creating a time-bomb of the engine.

i like reading your sig in this thread
looking at that dyno chart and where you make your peak power I just don't really get it.

this does not seem like such a good idea, am I missing something here?
Increasing the rev limit should only be done in conjunction with building the engine to (A) withstand the higher revs without causing explosive disassembly (cam profiles, valve springs, valves, pistons, cranks, lubrication, etc), and (B) actually make power at the higher revs instead of dropping off as the above (stock) dyno chart shows (cam profiles, intake and exhaust tuning, etc). Increasing the rev limit without changing anything else in the engine won't magically make it produce more power - the down slope of the dyno chart would just continue on dropping off at higher revs, until the engine blows apart.

Personally, I prefer to tune street engines to have a torque curve that extends to *lower* revs, even if it costs a little bit up top. Even on my race bike, in anything other than the Sunday final when it counts, I shift 1000 rpm before stock redline ... 2000 rpm before redline on track days, to save the engine. In a Sunday final, I'll shift at factory redline. It costs a whole lot less to do it this way.
Stop ruining all the fun Brian, we wanna know what happens when you run an engine past the stock rev limiter.
Sorry, I was away last week for this.

This is really interesting. Ya, it essentially overclocks the microcontroller making everything seem slower than normal. It would essentially move the map up a bit.

The actual HP and TQ claims are bogus as already stated. Just an interesting method.
Ummm.... in case you didn't hear... the 3rd gen R6 "17.5K Redline" is actually 14.5K. I guess you didn't hear about the big hooplah when it initially was released and Yamaha offered buy-backs.

Either way.... I wanna see this.
Ummm.... in case you didn't hear... the 3rd gen R6 "17.5K Redline" is actually 14.5K. I guess you didn't hear about the big hooplah when it initially was released and Yamaha offered buy-backs.
I did hear, yep. Pretty sure it was 16k, not 14.5k...


-Jamie M.
Squids prefer gixxer he will blow his motor and crash at the same time?...all while being a pedo bear?

meh, Doc said he has 9 lives, so it has to be true :)
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