M1 to M2 60 day wait


New member
My spouse started riding last year under her M1, not realizing the m2 needed to be done within the 60 days. She is now on 3rd M1. Is she required to wait the 60 days on the newest M1 or will the time be accumulative??

and it's not within 60 days but within 90 days...she has to wait 60 days before converting the m1 to an m2...she can take the course at any time but cannot bring the envelope in with her completion papers to a drive test centre until the 60 days are up...
My spouse started riding last year under her M1, not realizing the m2 needed to be done within the 60 days. She is now on 3rd M1. Is she required to wait the 60 days on the newest M1 or will the time be accumulative??


No she does not, she's already waited the required 60 days with her first M1
>>No she does not, she's already waited the required 60 days with her first M1

Well...thats a fine kettle of fish!!!!

As it stands right now we will have to take a trip across half of Canada with her M1...That means no Highway, no night riding......and no booze. The booze isnt that big an issue but trying to get to the east coast with no major highways will be a long ride.

I was in the same situation, and no you don't have to wait.

I got my M2 after providing the envelope from RTI, 10days after writing 2nd M1.

Results may apparently vary at different DriveTest locations. I got mine from Downsview.
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I was in the same situation, and no you don't have to wait.

I got my M2 after providing the envelope from RTI, 10days after writing M1.

Results may apparently vary at different DriveTest locations. I got mine from Downsview.

Is that true??? Can anyone verify this??
Is that true??? Can anyone verify this??

If i remember correctly
She will have to wait since the M2 wasn't taken\Passed

If the M2 expires then there is no waiting period
When I got my M1 I was told at Downsview DriveTest Centre as mentioned above that I do have to wait 60 days before I bring my envelope to get an M2. Yes, you can take the course anytime before that but only on the 61 day after getting an M1, do you come in to submit the paperwork in order for them to issue an M2.

Maybe,whetaus-tr, just got lucky or he already had his M1 and let it expire and he didn't have to wait the second time around. We'll let him answer that..

P.S. There you go, so since your wife's M1 had let M1 expire before then she should be able to get M2 now without waiting.
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Same here. 1st M1 was from 2008 mid December to 2009 mid February, the second M1 was from 2009 mid February to 2009 mid May. I did the M2 exam in April, got the M2 right away when I dropped the envelope at MTO.
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