Lost my Job


Hey all. As if living with GERD wasn't bad enough. I lost my job today of some BS reasons. 4 years into it, it was the longest job I ever had.

The story is this:

I was an apprentice at an independent garage. Like I said above, I worked there for 4 years. My friend also worked there with me. My friend is the one who got all the better jobs, I got crap mostly. But this year, 2 things happened that my boss didn't exactly like. First, I got my license. This gives me a reason to ask for a raise, since my pay was frozen for 2 years. Second, my friend quit, he began his own shop. With one side, a worker that will be more expensive to employ. On the other, a trusted person just leaving, I can only assume my boss was shocked.

Nevertheless, I wanted to stay just because I didn't want to go through the trouble finding and adapting to a new work environment.

Today, however, I have no choice to seek a new job and adapt. Just because I was told in middle of a job to stop by the office person and did just that. My boss took that as me 'standing around' and told me, it's your final week. Of course I tried to explain, but just as you would expect a shocked person would do, he didn't listen to me. So, right now, I feel lost.

Here is my rant.  Just would appreciate some of your stories of how you dealt with this kind of loss, and how you overcome it.

Thanks all!!

PS: On a good note, this situation takes my mind off my GERD!!
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So, after four years of working there he fired you because he saw you standing around? something doesnt add up.

Either a. you were a ****** worker, which would explain why your friend was being favored, and he now fired you cuz you asked for a raise.
Or b. He really is a dick and hes afraid you're gonna follow your friend...one of those "you cant fire me i quit!" but the other way around....
Not leaving a job because "you don't want to adapt to a new work environment" is a poor excuse. You will not get far if you keep that mentality.

For u to find that perfect job u have to suffer many crappy jobs.
blah blah blah

Keep your head up and search for another job. I have thankfully never been in your shoes, but keep your head up there is lots of work in Toronto. Furthermore you were getting the dick at your old job. You would continue getting **** jobs and that's no way to make a career. This may be an opportunity in disguise for you to go somewhere you will be appreciated and given a chance to shine. Sieze the opportunity and make the most of it.
It sounds like a ****** place to work and you should be grateful that you can now look for more gainful employment.
Like Freestyle said, this could be an opportunity in disguise. Enjoy the rest of the riding season!! :D
First sorry to hear about your job, but I agree with some of the general comments that you should strive for better and never be comfortable where you work. I think it's apparent from your comments that your friend got ahead because he was more ambitious where you got the **** because you were happy with what you got. It happens in every work place I've seen, people are aggressive doing more work and asking for more get really far ahead where others are just happy doing 9-5 end up doing that for the rest of their life and basically become the ***** of the department.

It sounds like your employer might've found out about your GERD and afraid of how it might affect you which in return affects his business decides to axe you. His excuse seemed lame at best.

My advise is to move on and take this as a life experience. You should strive more and work harder and you'll be happier.
Oh, and to answer your response about dealing with it - a few years ago, I worked for a federal agency and was laid off but managed to enjoy part of my summer, relaxing and taking the time to job hunt.

Right now, in my current job, I have to deal with a manager who didn't want to hire a female for the position I'm working in, so I gotta watch my step. Do I feel like he's looking for an excuse to get rid of me? All the time. It's annoying and worrying at the same time - but you gotta roll with the punches and rely on your social network for support and encouragement. Have you spoken to your manager about why you're being let go? Perhaps there is a way to work things out? Talk over coffee? Were you given any warnings? There are a lot of things there wasn't mentioned here and I don't want to assume anything.

Good luck with your job search, I hope you find employment in a more enjoyable environment.
Ok bit of a long reply but having gone through this I can empathize with your predicament.

Sorry to hear about losing your job. Its unfortunate and by your description undeserved. It is easy to feel depressed by the current situation but just think of this as an opportunity to pursue a job in your trade with a better company.

If your ex-boss was shocked and maybe even a little hurt by your friend's departure the he might've been feeling a bit betrayed and not wanting to deal with having employees etc. I've witnessed a few situations where bosses have taken an employee's resignation very badly and made it all personal about them. Even if you say, "I am quitting my job, selling everything I own and moving to Tibet to be a monk"; there are still bosses who will find some way to be personally offended and betrayed. Nothing you can do about those kind of people, they are looking for a reason to be upset.

If you plan to collect Employment Insurance you should get to doing the paperwork straight away so everything will be in order and ready for submission. There is a 2 week window that everyone must wait before applying for EI. You can read more about eligibility requirements and how to apply for EI here: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/application/employmentinsurance.shtml

Depending on how your situation is viewed by the Ministry of Labour you may be entitled to termination with pay. The conditions under which a worker loses their job dictates whether they may be entitled to wages even after terminatation. Once you have been with a company for 3 or more months most employers are required to pay you 1 week of wages for every year worked. In your situation it would be 4 weeks wages if you've been there for 4 years. Since you might fall under the Constructive Dismissal category you might have to explain your situation before Ministry of Labour can make a decision on your eligibility for termination pay. http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pubs/guide/termination.php

You have legal rights as a worker even if you are no longer employed. I'd suggest you exercise them unless you happen to have a sugar momma or recently won the lottery.

When I was laid off a year ago, one of the challenges I had was how the tight financial situation hindered socialization with friends. They would invite me to dinner, or movies etc. and I just didn't have the disposable income to do those activities. I literally had to choose between grocery shopping and seeing a movie. Not that it was a particularly hard decision, in the end my stomach won. Unless your friends or family have been in the same situation they won't really 'get it' so just ignore their clueless disbelief when they keep inviting you places, and your answer is always No thanks.

If you are in a relationship prepare for a bit of rockiness. Hopefully it doesn't happen to you but with a limited budget and a restless gal pal on your hands things might get tense. Hopefully she'll be understanding and supportive of your situation. Try to do fun stuff that is less costly or altogether free. If not, then consider what a test of this magnitude says about your relationship. I was lucky to have a very supportive girlfriend at the time who occasionally snuck her credit card to the cashier at the grocery store when I wasn't looking. My man pride took a hit when she did that but it is a small price to pay for how much it meant to me at the time and what it said about her character. That doesn't mean it was all rainbows and puppies, we definitely had some real hardships with my unemployment.

As there is a direct correlation between being employed and having money it would be wise of you to look at your monthly expenses and giving consideration as to what should be axed. When I lost my job one of the first things to go was satellite radio, nice to have but not a necessity by any means. One thing about loss of employment is that it gives you cause and opportunity to be an unapologetically cheap bastard. This is survival man! ;)

You might need to lean on your friends and family unless you land a new job in a short period of time, but then that's what they are there for. Call up your closest pal tell him/her that they need to take you out for a beer. Meet up with them at a bar and spend a couple of hours talking about how your ex-boss is a fat, bald poophead and how your next boss/company will be 10x better.

Keep in mind that as the loss of your job sinks in you might go through a few stages including, Denial, Anger and Depression before getting to Acceptance. The key is to realize that no matter how crappy you feel, you CAN and WILL move on. If you are feeling bitter at your boss remember what the cliché says "Success is the best revenge"

If all else fails just watch this video and feel better. My dad has always says, its not what happens, its how you deal with it. As trite as that is, it is also difficult to dispute.


Good luck with your job hunt Jinster!

p.s. don't forget about this thread http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforum/showthread.php?93402-Laid-off-GTAM-Members-looking-out.....
Keep your head up and search for another job. I have thankfully never been in your shoes, but keep your head up there is lots of work in Toronto. Furthermore you were getting the dick at your old job. You would continue getting **** jobs and that's no way to make a career. This may be an opportunity in disguise for you to go somewhere you will be appreciated and given a chance to shine. Sieze the opportunity and make the most of it.

While I do agree with 95% of what you said, I'm don't know about the "lots of work in Toronto" part.

OP, indeed this could be just what you needed, just existing at a job is no way to live. That's where you spend the majority of your life and you should find somewhere that makes you at least comfortable.

Get out there, don't settle and good luck.
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Hey all. As if living with GERD wasn't bad enough. I lost my job today of some BS reasons. 4 years into it, it was the longest job I ever had.

The story is this:

I was an apprentice at an independent garage. Like I said above, I worked there for 4 years. My friend also worked there with me. My friend is the one who got all the better jobs, I got crap mostly. But this year, 2 things happened that my boss didn't exactly like. First, I got my license. This gives me a reason to ask for a raise, since my pay was frozen for 2 years. Second, my friend quit, he began his own shop. With one side, a worker that will be more expensive to employ. On the other, a trusted person just leaving, I can only assume my boss was shocked.

Nevertheless, I wanted to stay just because I didn't want to go through the trouble finding and adapting to a new work environment.

Today, however, I have no choice to seek a new job and adapt. Just because I was told in middle of a job to stop by the office person and did just that. My boss took that as me 'standing around' and told me, it's your final week. Of course I tried to explain, but just as you would expect a shocked person would do, he didn't listen to me. So, right now, I feel lost.

Here is my rant.  Just would appreciate some of your stories of how you dealt with this kind of loss, and how you overcome it.

Thanks all!!

PS: On a good note, this situation takes my mind off my GERD!!

I suggest you speak to an employment lawyer. Good luck.
When I was laid off a year ago, one of the challenges I had was how the tight financial situation hindered socialization with friends. They would invite me to dinner, or movies etc. and I just didn't have the disposable income to do those activities. I literally had to choose between grocery shopping and seeing a movie. Not that it was a particularly hard decision, in the end my stomach won. Unless your friends or family have been in the same situation they won't really 'get it' so just ignore their clueless disbelief when they keep inviting you places, and your answer is always No thanks.

If you are in a relationship prepare for a bit of rockiness. Hopefully it doesn't happen to you but with a limited budget and a restless gal pal on your hands things might get tense. Hopefully she'll be understanding and supportive of your situation. Try to do fun stuff that is less costly or altogether free. If not, then consider what a test of this magnitude says about your relationship. I was lucky to have a very supportive girlfriend at the time who occasionally snuck her credit card to the cashier at the grocery store when I wasn't looking. My man pride took a hit when she did that but it is a small price to pay for how much it meant to me at the time and what it said about her character. That doesn't mean it was all rainbows and puppies, we definitely had some real hardships with my unemployment.

As there is a direct correlation between being employed and having money it would be wise of you to look at your monthly expenses and giving consideration as to what should be axed. When I lost my job one of the first things to go was satellite radio, nice to have but not a necessity by any means. One thing about loss of employment is that it gives you cause and opportunity to be an unapologetically cheap bastard. This is survival man! ;)


That hit a spot. I remember exactly how that feels man. I only bought what I need and all the money I saved up while working was close to gone. I was so broke.

Even now, I have a crappy job and is still looking.

Well put my friend...
Sorry to hear that but if you got crap-treatment it's not SUCH a tragedy. You got plenty of good advice here, so I'll just wish you the best of luck!
sucky deal man, move on and enjoy EI for now

sometimes workers and their bosses just don't get along...it doesn't necessarily have to do with poor performance.
Try to keep in touch with your friends. It can be awkward if the relationships were centered on going out but people used to invite people in for a coffee.
I've been let go a couple of times and getting dumped hurts but I can't think of a time where things didn't get better in the long run. Good luck.
your friend who opened his own shop wont give you a gig at his place?
I suggest you speak to an employment lawyer. Good luck.

as long as he gets paid in leiu of notice there is nothing else he can do. You need 5 years to get severance. In his case the employer gave him a weeks notice, so he is entitled to 4-1 week = 3 weeks of pay.

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