lost a special pet today


Well-known member
Early this morning my wife woke me to tell me that our cat had passed away. She was about 17 years old and had lived a very pampered life.

We knew that she there would be a day in the not too distant future that she would no longer be with us. Luckily she didn't have any health issues and it appears that her heart simply failed. My wife found her looking like she was just sleeping peacefully. Our other cat, who was one of kittens many years ago was quietly sitting beside her.

sad day :angel1:
Sorry to hear that bro, it's always sad to lose part of the family.... Are you going to get another cat?
Early this morning my wife woke me to tell me that our cat had passed away. She was about 17 years old and had lived a very pampered life.

We knew that she there would be a day in the not too distant future that she would no longer be with us. Luckily she didn't have any health issues and it appears that her heart simply failed. My wife found her looking like she was just sleeping peacefully. Our other cat, who was one of kittens many years ago was quietly sitting beside her.

sad day :angel1:

Always a tough when losing a pet/family member. I have pics of all my pets past and present around the house. Good memories. When the time is right give another pet a family.
One of my parents' dog also died a few months back. I've stayed with her a few occassions and also spent a bit of time bonding with her. She was getting really close to me and enjoyed my company. Unfortunately she passed away. It was really hard to take and i couldnt stop reminescing of the times i spent with her.

My favourite roweiler is staying with my parents also. He's already 10 yrs old. He's the.most obedient dog we ever had. I will miss him.

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So sorry to hear this. 17 years was a great run nonetheless. Cherish the memories
Early this morning my wife woke me to tell me that our cat had passed away. She was about 17 years old and had lived a very pampered life.

We knew that she there would be a day in the not too distant future that she would no longer be with us. Luckily she didn't have any health issues and it appears that her heart simply failed. My wife found her looking like she was just sleeping peacefully. Our other cat, who was one of kittens many years ago was quietly sitting beside her.

sad day :angel1:
Aww sorry to hear about your kitty :( ...I have 2 cats and a dog and would be devastated if something ever happened to them...hopefully you will decide to adopt another one though and give a homeless cat in need a good home and lots of loving :)
Sorry to hear! 17 years is a long time to develop a bond! We had a cat hit 21 and he died just over a year ago.

I have some really cute pictures of our 2 Bengal litters I almost posted up but thought better of it.
That is sad, I feel for your loss ... and for your other cat, who is probably heartbroken.
Sorry to hear. I've had cats and dogs for over 40 years, so I know how it feels when you lose one. The consolation is to know they had a good life, and that you took good care of them. My current cat is 16 and in good health so far but I know the day is coming.
:( Makes me miss my cats... I only really see them once a week (since I don't live at home). Can't imagine how I'd feel if I went home and they weren't there.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat, Takes me a long time to get over a pet passing, but it does get easier.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I've lost three kitties myself and know how difficult it is to lose a furry family member. (((((hugs)))))
Sorry for your loss. I had a cat I raised from birth. Someone left her mom on the side of the road with a box of kibble near our house and she ended having kittens. I had to put her to sleep a few years ago at age 18. It was really sad. The kids still draw pictures of her and talk about her like she was still here. When my youngest son is moody (he's diabetic), sometimes when I ask him what is bothering him he says he misses Duffy :(
Sorry to hear. This is why I bought a parrot, it'll outlive me if look after him and I can teach him to swear at people.
Sorry to hear this buddy, I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down yesterday cuz he was suffering in the hospital. I feel helpless and defeated that i couldnt buy him more life. He was only 2.5 years old but he gave us amazing memories that I will remember for rest of my life. :(
Sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what it'll be like when my dog eventually dies. Incidentally, my last two RRs are named Snowball I and Snowball II
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