looking for advice

J. Dean

Hi I am new to this forum. I am in the process of purchasing a new (used) motorcycle. I've done lots of reading online looking for honest feedback on one bike vs. another?
Here I what I am looking at to purchase.
1) 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 classic
2) 2005 Suzuki C90
3) Honda VTX 1300

anyone care to comment on pros and cons of each bike?

Hi I am new to this forum. I am in the process of purchasing a new (used) motorcycle. I've done lots of reading online looking for honest feedback on one bike vs. another?
Here I what I am looking at to purchase.
1) 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 classic
2) 2005 Suzuki C90
3) Honda VTX 1300

anyone care to comment on pros and cons of each bike?


Can't comment on those particular bikes, I ride a Yamaha Roadstar 1700, so insurance is the first consideration, then comes "fit" how comfy does each bike feel to you compared to the others. Then "style" is each bike similarly outfitted, (as in wind shield, saddle bags etc) It may not seem like a big deal until you start pricing out saddle bags and the various windshields etc).

This is all with the assumption your an experienced rider, (none of those should be considered a starter bike...LOL)
hedo2002 - thanks for the feedback. I have been going down the same path as you've suggested and checked out insurance first, that's a check. The bikes are similar but have different accessories. I've been pricing out various accessories in order to have a comparable view for each bike. Agreed, these are not bikes for beginners...Thanks again.
Nice choice of bikes. Being a cruiser rider I can comment on the bikes.... I love my Vulcan 1500, its an '07. One bad *** machine. Reliable, can handle weight of passenger and luggage. Great for the highway! My friend rides a Suzuki C90T - that is also a dream of a bike, also a 1500 cc motor - great power for touring. The VTX certainly would fit the bill but not my choice having only a 1300 cc motor. Check out this searchable data base for info on all brands. http://www.powersportsnetwork.com/enthusiasts/default.asp
Don't worry so much about the engine size. Look at how much the bike is rated to carry. My 650 for instance can carry more than the same model 1000, and is perfectly capable of touring. Although some 650's will have gearing that requires frequent shifting, the bigger bikes shouldn't have that issue.
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Thanks all for your welcome and advice. On Saturday I purchased the Suzuki Boulevard C90, It looks great! Can't wait till all this snow melts and we can get on the road.
Nice choice, now the long wait till spring :(
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