Looking For A Tailor to Tailor Stuff - Specifically Suits | GTAMotorcycle.com

Looking For A Tailor to Tailor Stuff - Specifically Suits


Well-known member
Hey Guys and Gals,

I am going to be getting a few suits soon and want to take them to a good tailor to get the fit just right. I have taken stuff to the stores in malls before, but they suck. Can anyone recommend a good and reasonably priced tailor around mississauga who can alter mens suits.

I realize this isnt even closely related to motorcycles, but I am sure some people here work in offices and have some awesome tailors they use.
Got 2 suits today, going to pick up next friday. Can anyone suggest a tailor in mississauga to fine tune the suits?
where are u buying your suits? every suit i've ever purchased had custom tailoring on site. go to a place that sells and specializes in suits (like harry rosen just as an example), they should be able to tailor it for u... but usually this service is included in the price of the suit. i find it a little strange that u get your tailoring done after the sale.
Not in the mississauga area .. but Talk to John Bickle from Bickle racing.

He is IMHO the best guy for any motorcycle leather repairs/alterations/etc
Stoney Creek Custom Tailors. These folks live and breathe tailored suits.
Lolz, thanks fr all the input. I am just starting to build a collection so will be buying the first few off the rack or they will be MTM. I will check out the people suggested. Stores like sears, tip top, etc charge extra for everything and I would rather take it to an external tailor who knows what they are doing and get the whole thing fine tuned at once.
The problem with getting a good tailor to alter cheap suits is that they will still fall apart, and you might get confused as to who to blame.
The problem with getting a good tailor to alter cheap suits is that they will still fall apart, and you might get confused as to who to blame.

Lolz, well it's hard to spend a lot now so early in my career. I have little choice but to go this route.
Try IM Label. They're based off Toronto & they're at that stage where they're new enough in the scene to have affordable suits, but not so new that they don't have a reputation yet. They do MTM and Bespoke and are actually pretty affordable. I spoke to the guy before and he really knows his stuff.

If you haven't already bought the suits, remember to pick suit brands according to your body type - that's pretty much half of the battle. The idea is that the fit should fit well to begin with, with tailoring taking it that extra step to make it an amazing fit.
In Yorkville there is a small shop, Hong Kong Tailor, they do fantastic work at very reasonable prices. My cousin is a high end fashion designer and they have Hong Kong Tailor do the final alterations to samples etc. to fit the models. The tailor adjusted 2 of my suits, you would swear they were made that way.

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