Long time Rider from Brampton, new to the forum | GTAMotorcycle.com

Long time Rider from Brampton, new to the forum


Hello Everyone,

Had my M license for close to 30 years, but the last few, I'm lucky to get out for a couple of rides a year.
Currently have a 1980 CB400T.

Wifey and daughter recently decided to get their license. So, I decided that it might be a good time to see if there are any groups in the Brampton area, that they/we could meet up with for some rides & activities.

Both wife and daughter are around 5'4", so looking to find them something with a low seat height, that's good to start with. Maybe a Virago 250, and swap the sprockets. Any suggestions?

They both sat on the new CB300F, and are both up on the balls of their feet, in riding boots. I'm not sure it would work for them, even with the lowered seat option. Wife is pretty adamant about wanting to be flatfooted, after reading the study book for M1 license, and prep materials for training course they are both taking in 3 weeks. Another option is lowering the CB300f, but then you have to worry about how that affects handling.
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I guess my buddy is almost on the same boat as you ... looking for a starter bike for his wife. He was told by folks at Markham Outdoor Power that lowering CB300F shouldn't affect handling in any shape or form.

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