Local/Canadian supplier of Mosfet R/R?


Well-known member
Anyone know a local place or even in Canada selling Mosfet Regulator/Rectifiers? Don't really want to order from the US
I've looked at all sorts of ways to obtain a MOSFET R/R here. Anywhere I tried here was "year/make/model of your bike". You could give them a Honda or Yamaha bike that uses this R/R, but the price will be fully double ordering from the US.
I've been ordering FH012AA from Roadstercycle. Shipping to a US address then forwarding here.
What are you looking to spend? I got mine from the states for less than 100 and it came with wires, plugs, connections and a 30 amp fuse. If you're interested I could see if I could dig up where I got it from.
What are you looking to spend? I got mine from the states for less than 100 and it came with wires, plugs, connections and a 30 amp fuse. If you're interested I could see if I could dig up where I got it from.

yes please post up the info as I'll probably need to replace my r/r soon (again)
$100 for a voltage regulator? Can I sell you some?

Any auto electric shop has access to hundreds of generic regulators, ALL for a lot less than $100.
$100 for a voltage regulator? Can I sell you some?

Any auto electric shop has access to hundreds of generic regulators, ALL for a lot less than $100.

They won't work on most bokes. Automotive regs control the field winding to determine output. Most bike regs short excess power to ground.
$100 for a voltage regulator? Can I sell you some?

Any auto electric shop has access to hundreds of generic regulators, ALL for a lot less than $100.

Hey look another clueless person on the internet who would rather criticize than help someone out. How about you stop wating bandwith?

Anyways I'm pretty sure this is where I got mine and it works great.

Either one of you seen a Transpo ( http://www.waiglobal.com/ ) or Regitar( http://www.regitar.com/ ) catalogue?
No? I didn't think so.

... as to clueless: I work all day as an automotive electrician, you know; fixing starters, alternators, sometimes repairing (at the component level) rectifiers and those things that limit the field on those power generation thingmes... OH YEAH, VOLTAGE REGULATORS, going on 20 years now.
What do you bring to the table, besides some lame sarcasm?

So, I will stick with my suggestion, just trying to help out you see, of advising the OP that "Any auto electric shop has access to hundreds of generic regulators, ALL for a lot less than $100." ... and yes, some of them WILL work on a bike.

If you want to spend $100 on a $25 part, by all means, go nuts.
You're the clown not posting any links or descriptive information about where to get one exactly (like was asked), I'm pretty sure your post was the sarcastic one..... As for your credentials, well that doesn't do the op any good.

Well my source may be a bit pricier it comes with EVERYTHING needed to upgrade to a mosfet r/r without having to run all over the place. Now if you can show us al with your apparent vasts amounts of knowledge then be my guest. If you can't or won't then why the hell are you posting in this thread.

And looks like I was wrong on the price, I could have sworn I got it for cheaper, but that was a few years ago. If anything it gives you an option.
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