Life put in hands of 2000 complete strangers |

Life put in hands of 2000 complete strangers

This doesn't actually stand up to reason. In no way is your life in the hands of these 2,000 people (and I understand that it's a joke article). The fact is that these people operate within a system, where they receive training, their work is checked, and there are redundancies and failsafes. The food inspector is not the single line of defense for food quality - there are a lot of other safeguards. The airplane mechanic doesn't decide to do a good job, or not, on a given day. He's ALLOWED to do the job because he has shown a consistent history of quality. These aren't accidents that could go either way on any given day.

These are actions based on a quality system that is hard to violate without direct intent. If you show me your quality system with regards to your bike riding, I might be more inclined to believe you. What recurring training do you get? What follow-up and corrective action plan do you have when you have a near-miss?

--- D
Walkerton Water works is a good example of the above and there have been a couple of food companies that killed a few with botulism. However you also have to realize that the screw-ups are spread over a huge number of potential victims so the odds thin out. Know any good German restaurants?
Self preservation 90% of these 2000 people from making a mistake. Its not trust, its a required risk of life.

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