Let me repeat that, having licensed suspended by unpaid fines DOES NOT show to your character, regarding your level of concern for the privilege of driving.
Only convictions of traffic violation DOES.
Paging Rob....
A ticket that is considered unpaid would automatically be a conviction unless you get the case re-opened, no?
which part of "traffic violation" did you miss?
Does parking tickets affect your driving record?
How about a child support?
Better yet, i've just learned MTO only takes court order and never question if the actual conviction has anything related to driving. That means, if you owe the city any fines, they can order MTO to suspend your driver license (i called MTO regarding this myself, out of curiosity). For example, someone called cops on you for...say damaging city properties, cops got your driver license (as ID) on the record, any fines from this can result in a driver license suspension.
In addition, having a traffic violation conviction on its own already affect the insurance, which is not the question at hands. Due to MTO's rules, driver suspension can be from many reasons. Most of them are driving related, except this "unpaid fines".
EDIT: also note that, not all traffic violations affect insurance, i recalled my insurance provider told me once "we only care about driving violation, tickets like improper plate display is not a concern for them" Ofcourse its nowhere to be found on their fine prints. Reality is, i did get loud exhaust ticket and it never affected my insurance.