Liberia - definition of insanity cannibalism, drugs, american influence, etc...


Well-known member

I saw this and could not fathom this. Still having a hard time thinking that this is possible. Forget about ukraine and palestine. UN just needs to concentrate on this place and fix it. If God exists and he sees this place the apocalypse is going to start.
That's old bro. 2012
Vice does good reporting. I did a marathon of some of their stories.

Its insane what some parts of the world would consider "normal"

I found it hilarous how Liberia was meant to be a heaved for slaves returning back to Africa, only to have those slaves enslave the local people using the exact same techniques that Americans used on them. Talk about messed up, and also eye opening to the human psyche.
Vice does good reporting. I did a marathon of some of their stories.

Its insane what some parts of the world would consider "normal"

I found it hilarous how Liberia was meant to be a heaved for slaves returning back to Africa, only to have those slaves enslave the local people using the exact same techniques that Americans used on them. Talk about messed up, and also eye opening to the human psyche.

They're hit or miss. Not much in-between.

I watched this Doc while I was in Uni and had some strong opinions, now that I re-watch I just have to assume this is human nature in its most primal form...

One problem though....too much hipster reporters

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