Lane Splitter |

Lane Splitter

Dissapointing. I thought this was going to be a thread about the duck footed newbie on the GSXR I saw on the lakeshore last week. Can you guys please stop putting both feet down and then dragging them as you take off from a stop? It's even less cool if you do it while splitting stopped cars with your terrible unzipped ICON jacket and turn signal going. I remember a time when motorcycles were cool.
Dissapointing. I thought this was going to be a thread about the duck footed newbie on the GSXR I saw on the lakeshore last week. Can you guys please stop putting both feet down and then dragging them as you take off from a stop? It's even less cool if you do it while splitting stopped cars with your terrible unzipped ICON jacket and turn signal going. I remember a time when motorcycles were cool.

Sorry SMP... didnt mean to get your hopes up... but i completly agree with your comment...

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