******* knocked my bike over, got a plate...


Well-known member
At school some blind **** hit my bike and ran off. I come out and my buddy says he saw a guy setting it upright, the guy left a note and number. I went to the security desk and they had a girl come give them a license plate and car description as well.

Damages are a bent handlebar, signal punched through the fairing, and a nice crack down the centre of my license plate. The bike fell on the right side and would have to have been pushed from the kickstand side however there is no damage to that side....

To be honest the fairing was already rashed and I have a new one sitting at home, and the clip on is only about 15 bucks. The signal although its in a few pieces should be able to be put back together...

What is the next step I should take? I can fix it myself quick but I really hate the idea of this person getting away scot free, especially when I was lucky enough to get the drivers info, which many times a rider in this situation never has.

I'd like to point out I have 0 claims and a bunch of tickets my insurance doesn't know about and would like to keep it that way. Do I call the cops with the plate info and then go after the driver and their insurance or do I contact my insurance with the car description and plate #?

If any of you had this happen how'd it end up for you?
If the person who hit your bike left their contact info, call the guy up and ask him to pay for the damages. I am thinking that is why he left you the contact info. If it is bogus, you still have the description of the vehicle and licence plate left by a witness. Hit and run on private property can be criminal. Call the police and have them investigate it.
the guy who picked up my bike isn't the one who knocked it over...he just picked it up and left a note that he was leaving at 11:41 and saw it on the ground.
Just out of curiosity, what school do you go to?

Do they have video surveillance?
Just out of curiosity, what school do you go to?

Do they have video surveillance?

+1 yeah i'd say your only luck is if there's video surveillance on the lot .. otherwise that person just got away scot free
I don't know how you can turn the plate number security has (although I am sure it's easy enough with the right friends). In cases like this, I would normally talk to the a$$hat and show them a quote for the damages (likely ~$1000). Tell them that it's not your problem and they can either pay or you will have to report the hit and run so insurance will cover it. Normally they pay and you keep the money as compensation for the lowered value of your bike.
If the guy who hit it didn't leave his info, but you have his plates then there's only one thing you should do. Take your bike to get a quote to make it look brand new, blame any damage to the bike on him. Report it to the police then proceed to eithe make a claim on his insurance or take him to court.

Teach this ********** a lesson they will never forget.
If you don't follow the previous guys advice, and fix it out of your own pocket, then you could wait a few days.. Track down the car with the plate in the parking lot. Then use your imagination.

Yes, I can be evil.

Sorry to hear that man. My friend had a hit and run with his car. Bogus thing is that there was a body part from the other car that was found nearby and when the part # was Googled, it traced back to a make and model that matched a neighbour's vehicle. Upon closer inspection, the paint transfer left also matched the neighbour's car. So taking all this information to the police did nothing. Basically, without witnesses they can't act, at least that's their story. So perhaps you can trace down the witness and that might be a start.

To clarify some of the misconception in this thread, even if you had the other person's insurance information you are not claiming on that person's insurance. It's no fault insurance so regardless of liability, you always make a claim on your own policy. A hit and run claim is 0% liability but you need collision coverage and if you have a deductible there you could be on the hook for that.

My car policy has an endorsement that waives the deductible up to $500 following a hit and run if you have a police report. You might want to check if your policy has something similar (doubtful for a motorcycle policy). Otherwise a deductible might be more than the actual damage to your bike. If you had the other person's insurance info., still 0% liable but deductible is waived and the other guy is 100% liable.
My bad. Ya you use your insurance then they sue the other guy and his insurance I think. I know with my insirance if I get into an accident and am not at fault, but the other guy is 't covered then my deductible drops from 1000 to 300 until they sue him or something like that.

To the other guy who said the police can do nothing, if judge judy has taught me anything it's that small claims court is allowed to use more common sense.
You're referring to subrogation. If you had the other vehicle's insurance information and his/her insurer was licensed in Ontario, your own claim would go under the direct compensation property damage section of your policy. If memory serves me right, the Insurance Act in the 90's removed the insurer's right to subrogation in a DCPD claim. There might be certain exceptions permitted under the regulations but most likely not in a straight forward case like this.
Talk to insurance. It will be a comprehensive claim (no hike) since you were not riding at the time. You may have to pay the deductible at first but it should be reimbursed if they can find the other guy.
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