Kids you want to stab

Wish them ill will for what? Being born to wealthy, successful parents?

Yeah, some of them are definitely ka-zillionnaire d-bags. But for others - simply having nice things doesn't necessarily mean that they won't also be taught how to work hard in life. It's all up to the parents, and they are the ones to blame if their children turn out to be brats. And that can be said even of families that aren't particularly wealthy.

Edit: my bad if you're only talking about those Ecclestone chicks. Yeah, they seem like complete idiots.
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Normally I don't wish ill will to anyone, but for them I will make an exception. Sadly they will never know a hard day's work in their life.

They should take away their inheritance for a year and make them work at mcdonalds or something. That would be awesome.

Good find. You think you've seen it all. This is an outrage. Where do they get off? What's next? A boob job? This script practically writes itself. Thanx for the heads up. Now I know what I'll be doing tonight.

Normally I don't wish ill will to anyone, but for them I will make an exception. Sadly they will never know a hard day's work in their life.

They should take away their inheritance for a year and make them work at mcdonalds or something. That would be awesome.

Wish them ill will for what? Being born to wealthy, successful parents?

Yeah, some of them are definitely ka-zillionnaire d-bags. But for others - simply having nice things doesn't necessarily mean that they won't also be taught how to work hard in life. It's all up to the parents, and they are the ones to blame if their children turn out to be brats. And that can be said even of families that aren't particularly wealthy.

Edit: my bad if you're only talking about those Ecclestone chicks. Yeah, they seem like complete idiots.

Basically what she can't hate someone just for being more privileged than you. That's just plain asinine. But in the context of that list yeah a lot of them deserve a swift kick to the head. With the notable exception of Diddy's kid. For whatever reason he's doing it right.
I don't get it, they aren't that bad. From what I know, they both have businesses, they both work at those businesses, they both own a few properties.
The one doesn't drink.

I've never heard them do anything stupid.

So you hate them because they were born rich and $10,000 is like $1 to them?

They are far from the most annoying.

And yeh, I'd hit'm to. ;)
Sean Combs son: Justin may live the good life, but he's also a well-rounded teen: he's currently attending UCLA on a hard-earned football scholarship.

I don't know how to feel about a student with a rich father having access to a scholarship. I always thought scholarships were really meant for underprivileged students who would otherwise have a difficult time being able to afford university.
Sean Combs son: Justin may live the good life, but he's also a well-rounded teen: he's currently attending UCLA on a hard-earned football scholarship.

I don't know how to feel about a student with a rich father having access to a scholarship. I always thought scholarships were really meant for underprivileged students who would otherwise have a difficult time being able to afford university.

I feel that they earned it, just because soemone has a rich father doesn't mean they actually have access to that money, you are not your parents.

It is the choice of the person establishing the scholarship the criteria of that scholarship. If the criteria is simply getting the highest mark in the class, then I dont' care if that kid's dad is a quinbillionaire. He earned it.

Not all scholarships/bursuries, or other aid considers need. All my scholarships are based on marks- period. I wasn't eligible for a large percentage of scholarships and bursuaries in law school because I came in from out of province. I never complained.
Sean Combs son: Justin may live the good life, but he's also a well-rounded teen: he's currently attending UCLA on a hard-earned football scholarship.

I don't know how to feel about a student with a rich father having access to a scholarship. I always thought scholarships were really meant for underprivileged students who would otherwise have a difficult time being able to afford university.

My friend's family has the means to pay her way through school including food, car, insurance, tuition, books etc...she's been working min. wage and slightly higher jobs since he was 15 and works her way through school now...parent's reasoning is sound imo. You need to earn what you have to appreciate more. The only things they buy for her are presents and family vacations etc.

And in the US athletic scholarships are more bribes and compensation than "helping underprivileged students"
Bernie has been dealing with spoiled brat prima donnas since the 70's. You think he would be able to handle his own....
rich people have kids, then grandkids, and leave them huge bags of money. Its been happening for centuries. Nothing new to see here folks.
Reminds me of this show where parents buy the homes for their kids, but when they don't like the house, they get into a hissy fit.

I'm like what da fug??
Due to Arab springlike conditions currently working their way around the world a few of those brats may end up with their heads on spikes in the near future. I couldn't care less if princes, princesses, sultans etc all went over a cliff in a bus together if their families have reaped their wealth by systematically pilfering from their own countries.
The youngest kids in that list are innocent and can't comprehend what it's like so no harm on them. But it's the parents that I'd like to slap around.
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