"Khalid ... Khalid."

LOL.... book - aka "fairy tale".
Bear in mind it's closing in on US federal elections. It's a time (about 13 months worth) that either party will stop at nothing to garner votes.
This book is nothing more than the Democratic machine pumping out propaganda.
"Hey, I'm Barack Obama & if you don't think I've done anything these last 4 yrs - I killed Bin Laden".

IMHO - there's no way on earth that a Navy Seal spills his guts, let alone writes a "detailed" book and SURVIVES. Pretty sure it's along the lines of 'treason'.
Bissonnette would have been snuggled up beside Bin Laden by now, if this wasn't some "side show".
Just doesn't happen Sandro - at least I don't believe one bit of it.
Probably makes for a good read though.
I'm waiting for the movie..I hear Matt Damon is starring...
LOL.... book - aka "fairy tale".
Bear in mind it's closing in on US federal elections. It's a time (about 13 months worth) that either party will stop at nothing to garner votes.
This book is nothing more than the Democratic machine pumping out propaganda.
"Hey, I'm Barack Obama & if you don't think I've done anything these last 4 yrs - I killed Bin Laden".

IMHO - there's no way on earth that a Navy Seal spills his guts, let alone writes a "detailed" book and SURVIVES. Pretty sure it's along the lines of 'treason'.
Bissonnette would have been snuggled up beside Bin Laden by now, if this wasn't some "side show".
Just doesn't happen Sandro - at least I don't believe one bit of it.
Probably makes for a good read though.

I believe everything I read in the media and on GTAM and view it as fact.

Somebody once told me "naive" wasn't even in the dictionary and I believed it.

Oh, and I heard Elvis is still alive.

LOL.... book - aka "fairy tale".
Bear in mind it's closing in on US federal elections. It's a time (about 13 months worth) that either party will stop at nothing to garner votes.
This book is nothing more than the Democratic machine pumping out propaganda.
"Hey, I'm Barack Obama & if you don't think I've done anything these last 4 yrs - I killed Bin Laden".

IMHO - there's no way on earth that a Navy Seal spills his guts, let alone writes a "detailed" book and SURVIVES. Pretty sure it's along the lines of 'treason'.
Bissonnette would have been snuggled up beside Bin Laden by now, if this wasn't some "side show".
Just doesn't happen Sandro - at least I don't believe one bit of it.
Probably makes for a good read though.

I heard the gov't is trying to sue the guy for putting out that book
Whatever happened to that Wiki Leaking guy?

Wouldn't he be further up the list if there was one.
Whatever happened to that Wiki Leaking guy?

Wouldn't he be further up the list if there was one.

He's been granted asylum by Ecuador and is currently living in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, England. His plane will disappear over the ocean when he flies to Ecuador..
LOL.... book - aka "fairy tale".
Bear in mind it's closing in on US federal elections. It's a time (about 13 months worth) that either party will stop at nothing to garner votes.
This book is nothing more than the Democratic machine pumping out propaganda.
"Hey, I'm Barack Obama & if you don't think I've done anything these last 4 yrs - I killed Bin Laden".

IMHO - there's no way on earth that a Navy Seal spills his guts, let alone writes a "detailed" book and SURVIVES. Pretty sure it's along the lines of 'treason'.
Bissonnette would have been snuggled up beside Bin Laden by now, if this wasn't some "side show".
Just doesn't happen Sandro - at least I don't believe one bit of it.
Probably makes for a good read though.

Sorry, but you've earned this.



This book is nothing more than the Democratic machine pumping out propaganda.


Irony is Obama announced "SEAL Team 6 kills Osama" so really, if the DOD can't shut up about it why should said author?

From a political standpoint yes....

I'm Obama, I killed Osama but I let that one out too far before elections so.... how to respin that "fact" (as Americans see it now) ...? I have nothing else to go on since W spent all the money and the country is in a low.

Americans have a short attention span and can be retaught events.

Last dying act of a desperate campaign?

Irony is Obama announced "SEAL Team 6 kills Osama" so really, if the DOD can't shut up about it why should said author?

From a political standpoint yes....

I'm Obama, I killed Osama but I let that one out too far before elections so.... how to respin that "fact" (as Americans see it now) ...? I have nothing else to go on since W spent all the money and the country is in a low.

Americans have a short attention span and can be retaught events.

Last dying act of a desperate campaign?

Not sure it's a desperate campaign. Politics in the US is pretty interesting right now though and I'm tending to believe that this book is actually part of the instant celebrity cash-in that many in the US (and some here) seem to worship. I don't think Obama wants to go down the track of pumping up military victories too much in case he gets the Swift Boat Veteren's treatment which finished off John Kerry.

Give it a little while and everyone in the US should realise that Romney is just a career blinded rich boy trying to follow in daddy's footsteps and all he knows about businesses is wrecking them to make a buck.....apart from those KKK types who would rather vote for a martian than a black guy.
Does anyone really believe a former elite US military person is going to do something supportive for the Democrats? Really??

Irony is Obama announced "SEAL Team 6 kills Osama" so really, if the DOD can't shut up about it why should said author?

From a political standpoint yes....

I'm Obama, I killed Osama but I let that one out too far before elections so.... how to respin that "fact" (as Americans see it now) ...? I have nothing else to go on since W spent all the money and the country is in a low.

Americans have a short attention span and can be retaught events.

Last dying act of a desperate campaign?

Both parties are in "desperate campaign mode". More attack ads to follow.

The DOD is not as limited as to what they want the "public" to believe in NR's. On the other hand, Navy Seals are sworn to secrecy regarding 'missions' (from what I've learned listening to US tv news / docs.)
If Bissonnete (and the story) is "real", don't you think a 'court marshall' (or worse) would be in order?.... I do.

Not a lot of good comedy on lately, so I listened to Clinton babble last night. Tonight, y'all can have a good chuckle as Obama tells everyone how good he is, and how he's saving the world. (The vague one - 'Romney' didn't get it quite right last week, IMO).
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