Keep your eyes on the road


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What's up with you and blondes, Paul?

BTW, I think they cops were busy looking too, so I dont think they noticed something hit them
You do realize most of your posts are blondes, right?

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lol. happened to a friend (I swear)

I believe you, cause when i was younger driving with a buddy we both looked at a couple girls while driving and my buddy rear ended a jeep haahha

Cost him 3 grand to look at some women :lmao:
A buddy has a wife about the same shape and she was getting hassled by some jerk because she wouldn't make a fast left turn to get out of a parking lot. Jerk swerved around her and ended up getting T-boned. With the traffic stopped she made the turn easily stopping only to blow him a kiss. Too funny.
Been there. Almost done that. Except I was going around a turn and almost went into the curb.
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