Kawartha Lakes - 2 day ride


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Algonquin/Kawartha Lakes/Bancroft/Ottawa - 2 day ride, June 22/23

This ride will be happening, weather permitting. June 22/23.
As for the pace - i wouldn't use the word "cruise" necessarily. It won't be a race either though, not to worry. Any specific questions, you can PM me. It will be 2 full days.

Sport and sport-touring bikes recommended (no 125s). Lots of twisties there, nice to have good handling and some acceleration. No M1s obviously. 2-up most likely not the best idea for this unless you're masochistic.
No stunters, no squids, no douçhebags. :wink:

I will post more details soon. Departure will be 8am from north or east GTA. Likely place to stay the night is nearby Ottawa (probably get there for 6-7pm, rest and jam a bit or whatever you please).
Next day start around 9am.
10 people max so please confirm by PM.

Attendance list:

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I intend to do a 2 day ride on June 22/23. Around Kawartha Lakes area.

I know it's early but I'm trying to see if there's any interest. Suggestions for routes, places to stay the night or anything worth seeing are very welcome. Post here or PM please.

I've been there once, as far as Bancroft, very scenic, lots of twisties. Definitely worth it to break it up in two and hit as many roads as possible.
I'm interested.
Why not do Pennsylvania instead?

Anyways if you doing up north, make sure to run up to Calabogy and towards Ottawa, there are some nice roads up there
Id be down, Ive lived in Peterborough for Uni - I am very familiar with the area. In fact I have been planning this same exact trip with my girl come summer.
Count me in proving the weather is good on those days! :)
I've done multi-day trips in that region a couple of times. The first time I camped out at provincial parks and rode through the kawarthas, algonquin then out to bancroft and Ottawa. Last year I stayed at a motel in Haliburton just outside their main street. Don't remember what it was called. Plenty of roads to explore with the added comfort of being relatively close to home should anything happen.
I live in the area and would be interested provided I have acquired a new bike by then.
Well, I'm definitely doing this ride, unless it's hailing for 2 days straight or the Rapture happens or something.
I will be most likely staying in a motel (something affordable, no worries). Don't feel like bringing camping gear.
I will definitely stop in Peterborough to pick up anyone interested.
Im also interested and will bring musck-oil (sp?) and goo gone.
I would like to join you, my lady and I are looking to take a ride out there for a non agressive/ cruise themed ride.
I am interested, especially if its a non-agressive cruise ride as previous person stated
Preferably during the week, as weekends are hard to arrange (weekend job) :-(

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