Just picked up my first bike!!!!


Just picked it up this morning. It's an 03 GS500. It idles a little rough, but it's nothing a valve job won't fix. I have all my gear and I'm pretty much ready to go. Just have to safety it and away I go!!
But it's sooooo tempting just having it sit there without being able to ride. I go out every hour or so, start it, sit on it, and close my eyes! lol
What do Valves have to do with Rough Idle?
By rough idle I meant you can hear the valves chattering, bike has 45k kms, valve adjustment had never been done
Wow!! I had no idea the fine was that huge! Thanks for the info. I'm in Montreal, bike's in TO for the rest of the week, so that'll hold off the temptation. Getting safety and plates this weekend when I'm back, then I should hopefully be good to go.
Congrats! You'll love the GS500. I rode it for the past 2 years and learned a lot. It's a very forgiving bike for noobs, yet has pretty good power when you need it.
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