Firstly, Congratulations on the bike, keep the shiny side up
Now from your posts, I get the distinct impression that you are in your early 20's, so I will be basing everything on that. I'm not going to tell you that your dumb for starting out on a 600, I did the same thing so I'm in no place to judge. I will say that even with 10 years driving experience in a car, riding a motorcycle can be extremely scary. I was scared ******** the first time I rode my r6, and that was going down my residental street doing 40. You have a machine that has literally no protection between you and the road, will go from 0-60 mph in under 4 seconds, and is extremely touchy on the controls. Basically you are riding a racing bike with lights, and it will try to kill you.
You mentioned getting medium level gear. Please do not do this. Gear is THE most important purchases you will make for riding, bar none. Do not skimp on it. The chances of you low siding/high siding/hitting something or someone are exponentially higher as a new rider with no riding experience and low overall road experience.
Buy a good helmet that fits your head, is snug and comfortable. There are many good choices for helmets for 200+ dollars. Get a good leather jacket, one that has elbow/shoulder/back and chest protection. Same with pants, get some good leather pants that has protection in the hip/knee/shin. The first two things that will touch ground in a crash will be your feet and hands, so they are just as important to have. Gloves you will want a pair that protects the fingers as well as the wrist, again leather is your best option. You did not mention boots, and they are just as important as everything else. Get a pair that has good ankle support, I would recommend a full boot that covers the shin.
Yes the gear will be expensive, but you dress for the crash not for the ride. and its better to spend 2000 on gear now and increase the odds of walking away from a crash with bruises and broken bones then missing body parts and needing skin grafts. I bought textile pants and riding boots that stopped just above the ankle when I started riding in October, and I regret it. The first two purchases I will be making this year is leather pants and proper boots.
Just my 0.02