Just a Rant!!!


Please know that this is only a rant, nothing else.

Is it just me, or is there a sudden increase in the number of 'students'?

I have nothing against students who are doing what they are supposed to do: Study.

I have reservations for those misfits who use the 'student' as a shield to do anything they want.

When you are partying 4 times a month; Got all the toys; Spending money you didn't earn; Consuming narcotics; Not having respect for those who are teaching and supporting you, what is there left of you to define you as a 'student'?
You talkin about those hipsters? LOL i hate hipsters.
Please know that this is only a rant, nothing else.

Is it just me, or is there a sudden increase in the number of 'students'?

I have nothing against students who are doing what they are supposed to do: Study.

I have reservations for those misfits who use the 'student' as a shield to do anything they want.

When you are partying 4 times a month; Got all the toys; Spending money you didn't earn; Consuming narcotics; Not having respect for those who are teaching and supporting you, what is there left of you to define you as a 'student'?

4 times a month? damn you're stricked. I was drunk off my *** 4 times a week back in school.
You talkin about those hipsters? LOL i hate hipsters.

Like him?
I LOL'd @ "consuming narcotics".

To be honest I don't think these students will ever grow up.
I think the same trend i noticed waaaaaay back in higschool is continuing through post secondary education.

When I was a student I felt as though the majority of us were still semi-mature and responsible. Prone to consumption of alcohol and recreational pharmaceuticals, yes, but still mindful of where and when and at the expense of what. Kids these days are just stupid.
the op has just come to the realization he has failed as a father...partying 4 times a month, i too would feel like i had failed somehow...i shall give you a consoling hug...
Only 4x/month? Most of the undergrads I knew partied nightly. They don't start growing up until they hit grad school.
Only 4x/month? Most of the undergrads I knew partied nightly. They don't start growing up until they hit grad school.

LOL, and how were their performance??
You could definitely tell the partiers from the serious students.

Bingo. I believe nowadays in order to continue with the program your in you have to have certain averages to continue in you program, even though a 50 is a pass, you need to hold a 65, 70 or whatever avg to get into the next prerequisite classes depending on the program. - I've had people try to mooch off me, ask me to put their names on assignments and be in my group etc I lol at these pathetic loser
Bingo. I believe nowadays in order to continue with the program your in you have to have certain averages to continue in you program, even though a 50 is a pass, you need to hold a 65, 70 or whatever avg to get into the next prerequisite classes depending on the program. - I've had people try to mooch off me, ask me to put their names on assignments and be in my group etc I lol at these pathetic loser

The passing grade depends on the program. E.g., if you plan to continue past a Bachelor of Arts General (BAG) to do a Bachelor of Arts Honours (BAH) you need to keep your grades above 70. If a student only does a General degree, they do not receive a designation/specialization. At least, that's the way it is in Ontario universities for Arts degrees. In my college program many moons ago, a passing grade was a 60, not a 50.

If a student is failing all over the place, they are called into question. A university student can find them self on academic watch and kicked out of a program if they fail to show progress and passing grades. A student really is cutting off their nose to spite their face by failing courses. They're bringing down their entire GPA and screwing up their future. I dropped one of my classes because my mark was going to be low and I didn't want it to mess up my GPA. I retook the course the following semester and ended up with a 90. That said, it's also about being strategic, managing your time and responsibilities , etc. There's nothing wrong with partying while in school and enjoying the social benefits, but if you want to actually get something out of university, then balance needs to be reached.
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