Just a plain old lowside wait WTF?! | GTAMotorcycle.com

Just a plain old lowside wait WTF?!


Well-known member
Just a run of the mill typical lowside walks it off unscathed his bike... not so much..
wow. That looked expensive!
He should just reach over and hold on to the bike... noob :rolleyes:
Incredible watching all of the fluids just stream off that bike as it was brutally cleaved in two!
Was that a Triumph or a cheap Chinese knock-off?
Wow! Unbelievable.

It is amazing how much you can read in the riders body language without seeing his face. It's like he's saying "C'mon! Really? 2 Pieces!?! FML."
A real racer would have got back on it and started riding it again. Even one wheeled.

Put it back together and sell it in quebec
i felt emotional as the bike flipped over and over each time while shooting out gas everywhere...
wow...that was actually kind of magical...I've never seen anything like that lol.

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