JFK's Message To Canada


Well-known member
The last President to call out, and warn the world of the shadow government pulling the strings in the background had his head blown off in Dallas. This great man had a message for Canada.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
There are people that get banned on this site for causing disturbances, a lot of you know me as an objective voice on the forum, who contributes a lot. If we ban or lock threads just to keep people from being heard, then we're done as a society. We would then deserve what we're getting from our government right now. Let all voices on the forum be heard...if bad language starts or insults start flying, those people should be dealt with accordingly. My own personal agenda is to educate people in what they're not seeing here. The mainstream media is no longer the truth.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Is something dangerous to their democracy?
Enough Braying already...
You see conspiracy theories everywhere. Obviously hard right.
Stop with the Kool-Aid already...

I'm a moderate with slight left leanings. SLIGHT. But all this ridiculous crap that's being spewed by Trump and the OP of this thread makes it hard to just shake your head and sigh, without going farther left.
Enough Braying already...
You see conspiracy theories everywhere. Obviously hard right.
Stop with the Kool-Aid already...

I'm a moderate with slight left leanings. SLIGHT. But all this ridiculous crap that's being spewed by Trump and the OP of this thread makes it hard to just shake your head and sigh, without going farther left.

see that, guy posts a thread and boom automatically it becomes a trump thing....lol
There are people that get banned on this site for causing disturbances, a lot of you know me as an objective voice on the forum, who contributes a lot. If we ban or lock threads just to keep people from being heard, then we're done as a society. We would then deserve what we're getting from our government right now. Let all voices on the forum be heard...if bad language starts or insults start flying, those people should be dealt with accordingly. My own personal agenda is to educate people in what they're not seeing here. The mainstream media is no longer the truth.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.

Problem: There are 1001 news sources, a large proportion of which are skewed or worse. To understand what is going I would have to do my own research and publish it. That would result in 1002 news sources.

Figuring out what is happening today in politics or economics is like playing three dimensional chess in the dark.

Further to the problem it is human nature to go to a source that says what we want to hear. It's the reason people believe lies, trust me you'll be OK. Covid will be gone like magic and unemployment will vanish.
Further to the problem it is human nature to go to a source that says what we want to hear. It's the reason people believe lies, trust me you'll be OK. Covid will be gone like magic and unemployment will vanish.

DING DING DING! We have a thread winner... in all seriousness!
There are people that get banned on this site for causing disturbances, a lot of you know me as an objective voice on the forum, who contributes a lot. If we ban or lock threads just to keep people from being heard, then we're done as a society. We would then deserve what we're getting from our government right now. Let all voices on the forum be heard...if bad language starts or insults start flying, those people should be dealt with accordingly. My own personal agenda is to educate people in what they're not seeing here. The mainstream media is no longer the truth.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
It's a private forum, you have no rights.
Problem: There are 1001 news sources, a large proportion of which are skewed or worse. To understand what is going I would have to do my own research and publish it. That would result in 1002 news sources.

Figuring out what is happening today in politics or economics is like playing three dimensional chess in the dark.

Further to the problem it is human nature to go to a source that says what we want to hear. It's the reason people believe lies, trust me you'll be OK. Covid will be gone like magic and unemployment will vanish.
It's all designed by AI. Humans can no longer figure out what's really happening...the AI is fifty steps ahead of us.

I recommend to you Giving Life to Lucifer. (Lucifer being AI):

This was two years ago. Max Igan was ahead of his time.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
a lot of you know me as an objective voice on the forum

Ooookay, then.

My own personal agenda is to educate people in what they're not seeing here.

I'm not sure it's us who needs the educating, with all due respect.

The mainstream media is no longer the truth.

It's up to everyone to use critical thinking whilst drawing their news from multiple sources (most importantly, including scholarly sources, not just media) and then take the information collected and accept it as likely being reality.

But people are lazy, and as Nobbie correctly said above, people turn into the news, or sources of news that spoon feeds them what they want to hear. It's not always based in realty. Heck, sometimes it's batshit crazy. And sometimes it's perfectly valid info.

But until humanity learns once again to use critical thinking skills, we're in trouble.

Unfortunately the percentage of people who are willing to do what I explain above (decide to find factual info on something, spend time investigating said topic, gathering info from a wide variety of sources both scholarly and otherwise, and then drawing and accepting a conclusion based solely on said info without injecting ANY weight of personal opinions) is very low - so many people can't be bothered to do it to begin with, and for those who do...they're itching to just blindly toss it all aside as BS because they have the "feels" that something else is "in the shadows". And that scratches their itch more than facts do.
@Maverick Here's a place to really get your teeth sunk into.
@Maverick Here's a place to really get your teeth sunk into.

Good god....I scrolled down about 2 pages and could feel my IQ being sucked out of my body.

Must be the 5G. :rolleyes:
Guy needs a cabin in the woods and close surveillance by some cops.
Mods should not be insulting members. You should gift yourself a warning for that.

India is the most peaceful country in the world, and they are coming out swinging against Bill Gates:

The guy formerly known as Mladin.

Do some Googling. Make sure to add the word "Scholarly" as the last keyword behind all your Google searches.

And the mods can do whatever the F they want. I think you're trying their patience and it's starting to show. If you don't like the rules you're welcome to start your own forum in which you'll be the grand arbiter of all things and you won't have to answer to anyone else anymore.
For the moment, this thread can stay open, but I'm watching.

Stay out of the bat$**t crazy conspiracy theories - stay with the facts and reasonable opinions - and it stays open.
Oh, on a related topic, this is a very well known JFK speech. Calling it "newly uncovered" is pure clickbait designed to form the narrative.
For the moment, this thread can stay open, but I'm watching.

Stay out of the bat$**t crazy conspiracy theories - stay with the facts and reasonable opinions - and it stays open.
The term Conspiracy Theory was created by who? I asked you to answer this question. The CIA created the term in response to the JFK murder. Somehow when you give something a name, it quells public outcry. It took the pressure off them to find the real murderer...which was themselves.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Mods should not be insulting members. You should gift yourself a warning for that.

I see where you're coming from now. You couldn't grasp that Rick was talking about Stephen J Garvey, not you, and jumped into the proverbial deep end.

Or it's a conspiracy.

Or aliens.
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