Jacket Repair | GTAMotorcycle.com

Jacket Repair


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I have an old Bristol jacket that I would like to get relined, since the lining is starting to rip. I have used On the Fringe before, but I don't believe they are either in business or where they used to be. Anybody have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.
I also have a jacket with "sentimental" value, about 30 years old and the lining was shot. I went to a tailor/seamstress shop in the mall here in Oakville.

My cost to re- line was $150.00

I realize that it cost more than the jacket at the time itself, but this jacket in my opinion is priceless.

Expect to pay, it's much detail work.
On a whim, when I posted this I also sent Bristol Leathers an e-mail asking if they had any recommendations, thinking perhaps a local tailor. The jacket is still in their lineup (since I bought it in late '93) and they said they would do the reline for $65 (having the patters helps evidently), I handle the shipping there and back (Montreal, so no real border). It would appear buying local can have some advantages!

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