Its just theater


Well-known member
George carlin was right, politics is just theater, both sides answer to the same billionaires.

Here you have 2 supposed enemies fist bumping each other, not long after flinging mud in a dirty campaign

Willing to bet the same stuff happens behind closed doors in canada.
I'm hoping this signals a return to both parties working together. I hope Graham used hand sanitizer afterwards.
I'm hoping this signals a return to both parties working together. I hope Graham used hand sanitizer afterwards.
Didnt Feinstien get attacked by the left for hugging Lindsey Graham a few months ago?
I'm hoping this signals a return to both parties working together. I hope Graham used hand sanitizer afterwards.

what makes you think they werent already?
Didnt Feinstien get attacked by the left for hugging Lindsey Graham a few months ago?
Both Graham and Biden are old school senators. Give, take, give, take - drink! They are used to working with at least a bit of spirit when it comes to cooperation and matriculating the ball down the field.
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