Is Your Car Rate Increasing As Well?


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Just curious if people are noticing a rate increase with their auto as well. My bike went up a bit but I don't know about car yet as the renewal is a bit later. Don't want to lock into bike policy and then be stuck their after finding my car gets hiked.
My Bike was going up 30% with TD. Car is due for renewal with Desjardins 26 feb this year it was $1340 full coverages 1 million lia 300 deductible comprehensive and $500 deductible collision. I called the rep said "good news it is going down to $1190 this coming year. I said "Bad news, Allstate increased to $2 million Liability everything else all the same and quoted me $1120 so Allstate will as of 31 Jan have both bike and auto."o

BTW Desjardin said well if you cancel as of 31 Jan then we will be charging you a 1.5 X your minthly premium "early cancellation fee" I said I am canceling 26 days before the end of my policy you will have collected ALL your premiums. He said it was "the law" they charge this fee. I said BS it MIGHT be a corporate policy but NOT the law. So please advise me which section of the Compulsuary Insurance Act spells out this requirement as law. I then said get me a supervisor. He put me on hold for about 2 mnutes came back and said "we found a way to do the cancellation as of 31 Jan you will be getting a refund of $26 and cange"...LMAO
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My car is going down about $40/mth when i switch to aviva with my bike policy
Got a CAA quote today, and they were $275 over what I'm paying now.
My sister just told me shes with TD and her car went up $70/month and they didn't give her an explanation when she called them right after.
Hey, if you guys would like to get a quote for bike/home/car please let me know... I am an Agent with Allstate and would love to see if I can help you out... You can reach me at 519-471-1900 Ext 5011. If you wish you can also send me a PM with your number and I can call you.

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