Is there a trick to this?


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The fuel line on my R1150RT decided to let go right at the fuel quick connect just after filling the ****er with gas. Managed to save most of the fuel...How the hell do these "quick connects" go back together? It looks like both sides are female. ****ing hell! Anyone know how these work?

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hard to tell by the pic....but usually you pinch them togeather really hard, then pull aganist them and it should come off.

I've never seen a quick connect fail, maybe its rubbing / binding?
Doing some digging and this isn't all that unusual for the plastic BMW quick connects. Apparently they are made of metal now. No rubbing, no binding, decent amount of play but not too much either.
Looks to me like the male end is broken off inside the female end (ouch).
Looks to me like the male end is broken off inside the female end (ouch).

Sent the same photo BMW tech at Endras and he said the same thing. Cleanest break I have ever seen. I have to admit, the tech at Endras BWM is a pretty awesome guy.
+1 male end has snapped off, its a CPC fitting so I would just get another one and replace it. You can get metal ones, they are just much more expensive
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