I'm thinking of purchasing my Arai helmet and I have been browsing for days for a cheaper arai helmet. All of he helmet that is in http://revzilla.com is selling the Arai RX-7x helmet for 881 usd and same with Amazon. So basically almost all seller is selling this helmet for a 800+usd. But I found the same helmet in Aliexpress which only sold for 600+usd. I'm not sure if this is legit. Here is the link [Aliexpress Arai Helmet Here] but I'm not sure if this is a legit helmet or just some cheap knockoff helmet. Any idea on how to spot a fake and a legit? and how to know if the seller is legit? I saw his rating and he has like 90+% positive rating that's why I thought maybe he sell a legit helmet but the price of only 600usd is kinda fishy. But it would be great if this is actually a legit helmet