Introducing Gymkhana, You Are Invited to Rock The Red on July 15th, 2012‏


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Found this on my Spam, and since:
1) there is a chance to win a bike
2) is motorcycle related

I share :)


You're invited to Honda's newest event in Canada.

Introducing Rock the Red, a one-day FREE event featuring a Gymkhana skills competition located at the Honda campus (Elgin Mills & 404). Come out to watch and cheer as Honda motorcycles are put to the test by skilled riders, showcasing their performance through an obstacle course striving for the quickest time possible. And that's not all - The Honda Campus will be taken over by a celebration of all things red.You can take the latest Honda Motorcycles and ATVs for a test ride, visit Power Equipment demos and Vendor Alley, or have your children participate in Junior Red Riders.Don't miss out! You could win* a 2012 CBR250R or a Power Equipment prize package at the Rock the Red Event! For an extra chance to win*, RSVP onlinebefore July 13th and you'll be entered in the online portion of the draw.See full contest details.
I RSVP for the ride with us, wouldn't mind test riding a bike to be honest...
if im not busy i probably will, thats a long way away tho
pretty sure i'll be there
its on a sunday, i'm in !
i participated in this event and i also work for honda canada .....its freakin awesome will love the 8 ball...but be careful the 8-ball has taken down even some skilled riders ...all in all it would be fun.
Registered. Its right around the corner from me. I hope this kind of event becomes more popular here..
or what could happen is that you guys organized a ride and all head there for a skills test see who has bragging rights :)
or what could happen is that you guys organized a ride and all head there for a skills test see who has bragging rights :)

You guys? what you don't want to take part of the ride or the skills test?
I already did some time back .....I had a great experience .......but I am down for a group ride...
Pics or it didn't happen, you know gtam rules!

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Hey Guys as promised here are the pics of the Gymkhana that the Honda Employees had do before it hit the Public i will not say it is easy just that it is challenging all in all it would be great and i do not mind leading you guys up there .....

Registration is open first come ride with us leaves at 10ish, you need full gear! The 1000r are available lol

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