Interstnig Quiz about your Values


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Stole this from another forum......thought it was interesting:

This is an interesting little quiz that will reveal how you rank values in life.....what is important to you, from the most the least important.

I will tell you a story, and you are to rank the order in which you like the people involved, from most liked to least liked. If you will, give a reason why you do, or do not, like the person. This is optional, but I think if you don't, you'll regret it later on.

Island #1...........................................Islan d #2
Inhabitants:...................................... .Inhabitants
A....B.....C ...................................... D...and...E

The Story

There was a shipwreck in the sea. There were five passengers on board.
The passengers are : A, B, C, D, and E.
C is a woman.

The large 0's above represent small Islands. They are within sight of one another.
When the ship crashed, passengers A, B, and C swam to the first Island.

Passengers D and E, swam to the second Island.

C is in love with D. She was separated from him during the shipwreck. She wants to be with him.

She goes to A, and asks him to build a raft for her, so she can cross the water to be with D.

A responded: "No, I will not build you a raft. I have salvaged some radio equipment that washed up, and I am very busy trying to repair it. I don't have time to build a raft for you".

She then goes to B and asks him to build a raft for her. He states he will build a raft for her, provided she permits him, shall we say, to have his way with her. She agrees.

Late that night B and C, go down to the beach, and follow- through with the agreement. They seal the deal, so to speak.

Across the water, that same night, shipwrecked passenger D was having trouble sleeping. He had gotten up from his camp during the night, to go for a walk on the beach.

It Just So Happened that the moon was very full and bright that night. He saw C on the beach with B. He saw what they did.

The next morning, as promised, B built a raft for C.

She took the raft, and paddled over to Island number two.

She hurriedly ran to find her lover --D.

When she found his camp, he said to her:
"I saw what you did on the beach last night! You are despicable! I want nothing more to do with you. Get out of my sight!"

She left and went further down the beach where she found shipwrecked memberE. She told him what had happened, and he took her in, providing shelter and food for her.

Now, from most-liked to least-liked, in what order do you rank these people?
And if you will, please give a reason for your choices.

(You might want to give this a little thought.)





Answer Key
A: represents Intelligence.
He set emotions aside, and went straight to work with problem-solving.

B: represents Power
He had ability, he took control, and he made things happen.

C : represents Sex
If you have to ask, you're too young to know.

D: represents Morality
He held himself and her up to certain standards, and he did not tolerate being outside those standards.

E: represents Love
He gave to her unconditionally.

My answers:

A - Dude is thinking about the bigger picture and the greater good instead of getting mixed up in BS
D - Guy didn't do anything wrong and got screwed over. Even when screwed over he thought with his head and made the right decision.
B - A bit of a scumbag but he did everything as promised, didn't lie, didn't force the girl to do anything, and in the end got what he wanted.
E - Nice guy but he is too nice, no backbone, should have let C learn a lesson instead of coming to the rescue like a sucker, is pretty much letting C take advantage of him, a person with no character
C - She uses sex to get what she wants, brings zero value to the group, zero morals or intelligent thought, will be absolutely useless in getting off the island
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A: Priorities Straight
E: Good guy understanding
B: Stuck by his word
D: Got screwed over but didn't hear her out. Also didn't care for her well being.... food shelter etc. Could have said we're done but at least help her out.
C: Typical whore, if she really loved him she could have waited. She needs to get her priorities straight. Getting to her lover while stranded should not have been her #1 priority.
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A - he's getting everyone off the Island
E - A Good and merciful person
D - Got screwed over. Couldn't understand
C - Scummy but got what she wanted; misguided lover
B - Scummy but got what he wanted
A The radio guy. Has a game plan for rescue and sticks to it.
D Boyfriend. He recognizes the gf for what she is
E Mr Take-in He doesn't let things go to waste
B Mr Take what you can get
C She could have built her own raft. How hard is it to tie a couple of logs together? She only knows one way to get things.
D - mad props for telling her to **** off
B - smartest one there.
A - better option than the other 2
C - nothing more than a ho that's dependent on others to do anything for her
E - nothing more than a tool that'll get used
A: Priorities Straight
E: Good guy understanding
B: Stuck by his word
D: Got screwed over but didn't hear her out. Also didn't care for her well being.... food shelter etc. Could have said we're done but at least help her out.
C: Typical whore, if she really loved him she could have waited. She needs to get her priorities straight. Getting to her lover while stranded should not have been her #1 priority.

exact same....

are you my son?
A: Priorities Straight
E: Good guy understanding
B: Stuck by his word
D: Got screwed over but didn't hear her out. Also didn't care for her well being.... food shelter etc. Could have said we're done but at least help her out.
C: Typical whore, if she really loved him she could have waited. She needs to get her priorities straight. Getting to her lover while stranded should not have been her #1 priority.

Why should he help her out? Why can't she do anything for herself? Is he really that helpless that she can't find food or make a small shelter. Is she really going to survive long term if she has to keep depending on someone? Cut the cord already and let her try on her own. He can't be there all the time for her.
Why should he help her out? Why can't she do anything for herself? Is he really that helpless that she can't find food or make a small shelter. Is she really going to survive long term if she has to keep depending on someone? Cut the cord already and let her try on her own. He can't be there all the time for her.

I'm with you on the double standard thing trust me ...... But they're stranded in the middle of nowhere, dude could have showed a little compassion. Says a lot about his character.
My analysis depends on the fact that they were near the major shipping lanes and that the radio would have been good for something..

A - Pragmatic, eyes on the prize kinda person
D - Straight shooter, not overly sentimental.. Knows how to say "no"
E - Nice guy, helpful neighbor.. Bit of a sap though
B - Capable, keeps his word, but he shouldn't **** another man's woman.. Shows a weakness in character
C - Dumb, useless ho.. Can't do anything for herself, so she uses her pussy to get other men to do it for her
Keep her around until the food runs out and then eat her first.

Fact is, when it's lord of the flies like in this scenario there are no values. It's either contribute to the collective or F.O.A.D.

Morals and what not go right out the window when humans revert to their primal instinct.
A: The only one doing anything useful.
B: At least he has skills (building rafts, I mean, but getting laid's important too).
E: There's four guys and one girl. He got the girl, and is the only one that will procreate if A fails.
C: She got laid twice - none of the guys managed that.
D: Useless, mean, and could have got laid, but didn't - biggest loser in the ocean.
A: Resourceful, skillful, focused and working towards a goal that could benefit the group.
B: Resourceful, skillful, focused, trustworthy and able - however, self-centered/self-interested.
D: Street-smart, doesn't like being taken advantage of (his perspective) - good custodian for pooled resources.
E: Resourceful, compasionate and charitable - would benefit the group with A's guidance and leadership.
C: Parasitic, but who knows what other skills she might have to offer that would benefit the group.

Longer term, E may move to the number one spot - it appears he has expended his time and resources on long-term survival. C has landed in a good spot! :rolleyes:
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As soon as I saw A,B,C,D,E, etc. I thought "this is dumb....they don't even have names!"

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