Intalling Rearsets


Well-known member
I picked up a set of Vortex rearsets for my 2005 R6, my bike is still a street bike, and during the intall I realized the presure switch for the break light is not included.... (yeah I know the warning that Vortex stuff is not intended for street use) just wondering what others have done? do you run without the switch?? or rig something up???

it also calls for lube on the washers between the shifter, does they type of lube matter?
Use a banjo bolt pressure switch. I have a ladybird pressure switch in my Brembo RCS front brake master cylinder.

The grease, use something slippey - nothing too thick and tackey - so a thin synthetic grease would work well....even a thin coating of wheel bearing greaes should work well.

You don't want anything too thick and tackey - it might cause sticking issues.
A pressure switch will work fine. Axle grease works well too, just a light smear of grease. Don't forget to use blue locktite on everything, rearsets do loosen off over time.
I've got a vortex brake switch lying around, brand new...
You can have it for free, PM me!
Just remember to pull the front brake a hair little if you're using rear only (why would you? lol).

-Jamie M.
a pressure switch will work fine. Axle grease works well too, just a light smear of grease. Don't forget to use blue locktite on everything, rearsets do loosen off over time.

+1 good advise!
Just because it wasn't said, use loctite blue on all the bolts for the rearsets. Otherwise, you'll wish you had.
Just because it wasn't said, use loctite blue on all the bolts for the rearsets. Otherwise, you'll wish you had.

A pressure switch will work fine. Axle grease works well too, just a light smear of grease. Don't forget to use blue locktite on everything, rearsets do loosen off over time.
FYI, you should use blue Loctite on all rearset mounting hardware!

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
Are you sure? (yeah ok you merciless b4st4rds :) )
Thanks mina for the hook up and others on the loctite. I'd rather not learn the leasson the hard way I assume there's a story behind Shaman's advice.
Thanks mina for the hook up and others on the loctite. I'd rather not learn the leasson the hard way I assume there's a story behind Shaman's advice.

I learned this lesson the hard way. On my first track day, I lost my left side peg at shanny and had to ride back to the pits with my foot on the bolt. I used loctite but I guess I had skimped out on either torque or the locitite. Since that day, all critical fasteners on my bike gets either loctite or safetywire.
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