Insurance suggestions?


Well-known member
Hey guys so I finally got my full M today and decided to look into upgrading for next season.
I need some suggestions/opinions/guidance on what to do about insurance next season or when I do upgrade.

Some background info:

Age: 22 turning 23 in December.
Bike: 2010 Ninja 250r
Region: Brantford
Insurance: TD primmum -> 2years continuous insurance.
(Note: for anyone wondering, after my 2nd year insurance stayed the same also after adding my full M)

-Minor speeding ticket in Canada in dec. 2010,
-rolling stop ticket in april 2012.
Also got a stupid minor speeding in Pennsylvania in the states in 2011.

I know the record isnt so great, but I have a question about the American speeding ticket... will that show to companies?
Also my ticket from 2010 should drop once it hits 3 years on my record correct?

Now I called TD and asked for a quote for a 2006 Kawasaki Ninja zx6r (636) and got a quote of $6842 , and I also asked for a 2010 Triumph Daytona 675 and got a quote of $8622. A bit high...would calling again next season make much of a difference? I will be 1 year older on paper, have a ticket cleared(i think??) and have a 2nd FULL year of insurance.

I have yet to call state farm BUT when I did at the beginning of this year, I got a quote of $200 more for the same ninja than TD was offerering. I have a feeling its going to be just as much if not higher.

At this point what options do I have? Any other companies to recommend?
Im looking into alternative routes? Ive heard about people registering the vehicle under their parents name and their policy? Is this possible? risks? Im thinking this may potentially be the best option for me...
No insurance is NOT an option.

I would rather not ride my 250r for another season, its a great bike and all but after doing 12k on a 250r I dont think Ill be enjoying it that much to rationalize having to pay insurance on it for another season.

Any help is greatly appreciated, feel free to comment or suggest anything.
Thanks in adavnce :toothy8:
Hey guys so I finally got my full M today and decided to look into upgrading for next season.
I need some suggestions/opinions/guidance on what to do about insurance next season or when I do upgrade.

Some background info:

Age: 22 turning 23 in December.
Bike: 2010 Ninja 250r
Region: Brantford
Insurance: TD primmum -> 2years continuous insurance.
(Note: for anyone wondering, after my 2nd year insurance stayed the same also after adding my full M)

-Minor speeding ticket in Canada in dec. 2010,
-rolling stop ticket in april 2012.
Also got a stupid minor speeding in Pennsylvania in the states in 2011.

I know the record isnt so great, but I have a question about the American speeding ticket... will that show to companies?
Also my ticket from 2010 should drop once it hits 3 years on my record correct? Yes, 3 years from the conviction date.

Now I called TD and asked for a quote for a 2006 Kawasaki Ninja zx6r (636) and got a quote of $6842 , and I also asked for a 2010 Triumph Daytona 675 and got a quote of $8622. A bit high...would calling again next season make much of a difference? I will be 1 year older on paper, have a ticket cleared(i think??) and have a 2nd FULL year of insurance.
I doubt it because, 1 full year of insurance is the break TD offers and 25 years old is another most companies offer.

I have yet to call state farm BUT when I did at the beginning of this year, I got a quote of $200 more for the same ninja than TD was offerering. I have a feeling its going to be just as much if not higher.

Call SF with the hypothetical of next year with the one ticket dropped, TD rates as a supersport where as SF rates as a 600cc.

At this point what options do I have? Any other companies to recommend?
Im looking into alternative routes? Ive heard about people registering the vehicle under their parents name and their policy? Is this possible? risks? Im thinking this may potentially be the best option for me...
No insurance is NOT an option.

Under your parents can work but has a very high penalty if caught, If it goes well, you can save maybe $100/month, If it goes bad, Be charged with insurance fraud and probably not be able to have insurance for the next 6-10 years other than facility, your claim denied, sued by other driver.....etc

I would rather not ride my 250r for another season, its a great bike and all but after doing 12k on a 250r I dont think Ill be enjoying it that much to rationalize having to pay insurance on it for another season.

In all honesty, If I was you I would stick with that bike until I was 25 and then get the 600 for cheap insurance.
Any help is greatly appreciated, feel free to comment or suggest anything.
Thanks in adavnce :toothy8:

Thats my 2cents
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