insurance on a Street Triple? (PC Financial)


I *may* be looking at a Street Triple after all!

I'm 29, female, and PC Insurance has been pretty good to me so far. Anyone know how they classify the S3?

Thanks :)
Ask them?
Don't know how PC classifies the ST but with you on that bike, I would classify you as Babia Majora.
Try asking in the Insurance subforum, I know there are brokers and more knowledgeable people that frequent there that might not check here
Don't know how PC classifies the ST but with you on that bike, I would classify you as Babia Majora.

Back off. She's mine. :p

(no, really, she is)
As much as I like the look of Monsters, I've read too much about unreliability/stealership maintenance prices to be scared off 'em.
The S3 is no longer a "restricted" bike anymore as I understand it...try Duffy.
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