Insurance Company can't identify my bike


I have a 1976 Yamaha XS500C and the insurance companies are having a hard time identifying the bike. I gave the 9 digit VIN to a couple of brokers and they were like... it should be 17 digits, but no it is 9 digits.

Now I am trying to sort it out with a broker and they can't locate the bike under XS500, XS500C, TX500 or any of the other names it seemed to go by over the years. My last broker had it insured with Aviva as a Virago 750 (I just noticed that today), but it is a 498cc XS500. Has anyone else experienced this with a vintage bike?

Sadly Aviva ditched everyone with less than 6 years riding experience this year, so I need to get this done before June 20th. :(

Thanks everyone!
Try this once you find the rest of the code: VIN Decoder

Insurance people really don't have a clue when it comes to these things, lol as you discovered with your Virago.
in 1974 your model was a TX500A in 1976 XS500C Model code changes to 1J3 according to wiki.
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Get it certified, insured and plated before you "cafe" modify it or you will be sorry.
After that you just need to 'over-look' advising them that the bike is no longer stock.
Have you called John R. Duffy Insurance Brokers? They’ve been around since 1963. They have looked after my old bikes for years and might be more knowledgeable/helpful.


For example,

9-digit vin on my 1973 Yamaha RD250
13-digit vin on my 1973 CB350four

No issues. Insured through Intact.

Best of luck,

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Yup I have the serial number (9 digits starting with 1J3) but some of them have never heard of a 9 digit vin, some just can't find an XS500C (which is the real model number).... I'll update you if I find anyone. (and I will contact John R. Duffy thank you!)
Good luck I have a 2003 dodge that was made in Canada with a us market vin and had a terrible time finding insurance most companies wouldn't touch it as the vin wasn't in their system

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Yup I have the serial number (9 digits starting with 1J3) but some of them have never heard of a 9 digit vin, some just can't find an XS500C (which is the real model number).... I'll update you if I find anyone. (and I will contact John R. Duffy thank you!)
Does it actually say VIN on a stamped tag or are you taking this off the engine or frame steering column ?
... even a fully legal RBT VIN is a pain to prove once every few years. Helps immensely to have bought the bike new.
It is a real VIN. They were only standardized in 1981 to 17 digits. Prior to that Yamaha had 9 digit VIN numbers
Guessing you don't have an original bill of sale or original ownership?

did you try Yamaha Canada?
Yamaha Canada distributor used to be in Toronto and really knew their stuff, very helpful with such things,
not so great with sourcing 1976 original motorcycle parts, they were the ones who informed they only attempt to do parts for 7 years post model production.

I thought that bike was pretty cool when it was first released but didn't think much of the counter-balancer, does yours leak oil?
They leaked oil in the showroom when they were new :| about 10% as much as the Triumphs , 1976 Triumph's had drip pans under them in the show room lol.
It doesn't leak oil, at least my garage looks clean. And... the engine is still running 40+ years later so I gotta give it that!
I got in contact with Dalton Timmis and everything is looking good. Looks like my insurance is going down about $75/year and I will insured with Echelon :) . Just waiting on the final deets!
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