Two days ago visited a Service Ontario location to pay for vehicle registration (yearly renewal). Currently have 2 motorcycles and 3 cars all insured with TD Meloche Monnex. Could not renew registration for my 2005 Mazda RX-8 according to clerk as vehicle is supposed to have liability insurance coverage not fire and theft only. Each winter for the past 10 winters the car has been in storage with the reduction in insurance coverage. The previous 9 years (winters) as my birthday is in January I have not had any problem renewing RX-8 registration. Insurance company representative states that this must be an MTO requirement as it is not a requirement on their part and this was the first time that this had been brought to his attention.
According to the Service Ontario agent, liability insurance has to be on the vehicle that you want to re-register for at least four days in order for the transaction to be performed. TD will add coverage to policy for 1 day without charging me anything for the upgrade but not four; if I do this I will be charged for 4 days of coverage not 3 minus the one free day. Has anyone had an experience with this situation or similar or knows what happened? Is this a policy change with vehicle insurance and registration or have I been lucky the previous 9 years.
According to the Service Ontario agent, liability insurance has to be on the vehicle that you want to re-register for at least four days in order for the transaction to be performed. TD will add coverage to policy for 1 day without charging me anything for the upgrade but not four; if I do this I will be charged for 4 days of coverage not 3 minus the one free day. Has anyone had an experience with this situation or similar or knows what happened? Is this a policy change with vehicle insurance and registration or have I been lucky the previous 9 years.